In: Biology
Describe the categories of hematopoietic precursor cells, hematopoietic stem cells, hematopoietic progenitor cells, colony forming units, and maturing cells, including proliferation and differentiation, and morphology (lineage). (Make a flow chart)
The stem cells which give rise
blood cells are called as hematopoietic stem cells.
Hematopoietic progenitor cells are cells having tendency to differentiate into different type of cells. It differentiates into common myloid progenitor cells and common lymphoid progenitor cells.
Precursor cells are partially differentiated unipotent blast cells.
Colony forming unit
CFU is a unit to estimate number of viable (living cells) in the colony. Generally used in microbiology for bacterial culture. This viable culture cells have tendency to differentiate.
Cell proliferation
Cell proliferation is a process of multiplication of cells and maintains the balance between cell division and cell death. Hence blood cell proliferation is important phenomenon. Imbalance in proliferation results in blood cancer.
In the process of differentiation the cells (more specifically blood cells) differentiate and became more advance and specific for particular function. For example hematopoietic stem cell proliferate into common lymphoid and common myloid progenitor cells and common lymphoid progenitor cell differentiate into T cells and B cells for more specific function.