
In: Computer Science

Write the following methods in java class ARM that represent state information as well as functional...

Write the following methods in java class ARM that represent state information as well as functional blocks of the ARM platform.

[Go through the following 5 classes then write methods for the instructions: mov, str, ldr, add in class ARM, finally, write a print method for ARM in that can display the registers and the memory locations that have been used. (make sure to make a visualization of the print method instead of just a console dump)] --- Please don't copy the answer from another question here on chegg. Thank you so much in advance.

--As an example the following store signature is provided:

public void str(int Rd, int Rn, int o, boolean pre, boolean mod_pre)

STR r0,[r1,#10] is the pre address store which would look like:


STR r0,[r1,#10]! is a pre address store with an update which would look like:



public class ARM {

    private RegisterBank rb;

    private RAM mb;


    public ARM(int size_reg, int bits_reg, int size_ram, int bytes_ram){

        rb = new RegisterBank(size_reg,bits_reg);

        mb = new RAM(size_ram,bytes_ram);


    public void mov(int Rd, int Rn, int bitshift){

        //TO DO



    public void str(int Rd, int Rn, int o, boolean pre, boolean mod_pre){

        //TO DO



    public void ldr(int Rd, int Rn, int o, boolean pre, boolean mod_pre){

        //TO DO



    public void add(int Rd, int Rn, int Rc){

        //TO DO



    public void print(){

        //TO DO




public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        /* (1) write a short program using the java ARM class that is like this C++ code:

            int x = 13;

            int y = 14;

            int z = 16;

            z = x+y+z;

        Note: assume 32bit ARM and RAM should have 4 byte alignments (4*bytes)

            (2) call the print method periodically to check your work or use the debugger





public class RAM {

    private int[] rs;


    public RAM(int size, int bytes){

        rs = new int[size*8*bytes];



    public Word get(int bytes, int a){

        int bits = 8*bytes;

        int[] r = new int[bits];

        for(int i = 0; i < bits; i++){

            r[i] = rs[a+i];


        Word w = new Word(bits);


        return w;      



    public void set(Word w, int a){

        int[] r = w.get();

        for(int i = 0; i < r.length; i++){

            rs[a+i] = r[i];




import java.util.ArrayList;

public class RegisterBank {

    private ArrayList rs;


    public RegisterBank(int size, int bits){

        rs = new ArrayList();

        for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){

            rs.add(new Word(bits));



    public Word get(int index){

        int[] i = rs.get(index).get();

        Word r = new Word(i.length);


        return r;


    public void set(int index, Word r){




public class Word {

    private int[] bs;

    public int bits;


    public Word(int bits){

        bs = new int[bits];

        this.bits = bits;


    public int[] get(){

        int[] r = new int[];

        for(int i = 0; i <; i++){

            r[i] =[i];


        return r;


    public void set(int[] r){

        for(int i = 0; i < r.length; i++){

  [i] = r[i];





Expert Solution

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class RegisterBank


private ArrayList<Word> rs;


public RegisterBank(int size, int bits)


rs = new ArrayList<Word>();

for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)


rs.add(new Word(bits));



public Word get(int index)


int[] i = rs.get(index).get();

Word r = new Word(i.length);


return r;


public void set(int index, Word r)






public class Word


private int[] bs; //SET BACK TO PRIVATE AFTER...

public int bits;


public Word(int bits)

{ //sets a new array the size of the bits

bs = new int[bits];

this.bits = bits;



//Creates an array and populates, then returns array values

public int[] get()


int[] r = new int[];

for(int i = 0; i <; i++)


r[i] =[i];


return r;



//setting the value of the word array

public void set(int[] r)


for(int i = 0; i < r.length; i++)

{[i] = r[i];





public class RAM


private int[] rs;



Keeps track of pointer....



public RAM(int size, int bytes)


rs = new int[size*8*bytes]; //size * bits



//converts to bits and then creates a new word, which shifts by amount

public Word get(int bytes, int a)


int bits = 8*bytes; //convert to bits

//creates new array, with bit size

int[] r = new int[bits];


//Loop to set a shift in array for values

for(int i = 0; i < bits; i++)


r[i] = rs[a+i];


Word w = new Word(bits);


return w;



//shifts by a, in bits

public void set(Word w, int a)


int[] r = w.get();

for(int i = 0; i < r.length; i++)


rs[a+i] = r[i];





public class ARM


public RegisterBank rb;

public RAM mb;

public int sp = 8*32;

public int pc = 0;

private final int bits;

private final int registers;

private final int size_ram;


public ARM(int size_reg, int bits_reg, int size_ram, int bytes_ram)


rb = new RegisterBank(size_reg,bits_reg);

mb = new RAM(size_ram,bytes_ram);


bits = bits_reg;

this.size_ram = size_ram;



Where Rd is register and Rn is a value in bits, and a shift in bits,


public void mov(int Rd, int Rn, int bitshift)



System.out.println("Value of Rd: r" + Rd);

System.out.println("Value of Rn: #" + Rn);

System.out.println("Value of bitshift: " + bitshift);

//Both variables used to store into register

Word Rn1 = new Word(bits);

int[] RntoBits = numtoBits(Rn1,Rn);

//Sets value of word to Rn in bit form


//Set the register value into Rd for now....


//new Word set up

Word shiftBit = new Word(bits);

//Calls method to shiftBits

RntoBits = shiftBits(Rn1,bitshift);

//Finally sets shiftBit value to array and sets registry


rb.set(Rd, shiftBit);

pc++; //Increment Program Counter



//Store Rd into Rn with an offset ammount, and pre, !

public void str(int Rd, int Rn, int o, boolean pre, boolean mod_pre)


//Setting up Rn1 to have Rn value in bits

Word Rn1 = new Word(bits);






{//if a pre-Offset

if(mod_pre == false)

{//If no exclamation point

sp += (o*8);//sp + offset in bits

mb.set(Rn1, sp + (Rd * bits)); //set RAM to have value in it at position

sp -= (o*8);




sp += (o*8);//sp + offset in bits

mb.set(Rn1, sp + (Rd * bits));




{//If a post-Offset

if(mod_pre == false)


mb.set(Rn1, sp + (Rd * bits));

sp += (o*8);//sp + offset in bits




throw new NullPointerException();



pc++;//program counter++


//reg, sp, offset, pre, !

public void ldr(int Rd, int Rn, int o, boolean pre, boolean mod_pre)


//For Loop that will group each amount of bits to each register.


{//If it is a pre-offset



sp+= (o*8);

rb.set(Rd, mb.get(bits / 8, sp + (Rd*bits)));




sp+= (o*8);

rb.set(Rd, mb.get(bits / 8, sp + (Rd*bits)));

sp-= (o*8);




{ //If it is a post offset

sp+= (o*8);

rb.set(Rd, mb.get(bits / 8, sp + (Rd*bits)));


pc++;//Program counter increment




public void add(int Rd, int Rn, int Rc)


int[] RnBits = rb.get(Rn).get();

int[] RcBits = rb.get(Rc).get();

int[] RnDest = new int[RnBits.length];

Word w = new Word(bits);

//Loop that doesn't carry...

for(int i = 0; i < RnBits.length; i++)


RnDest[i] = RnBits[i] + RcBits[i];



//Loop that carries over numbers

for(int i = RnDest.length-1; i >=0; i--)


if(RnDest[i] > 1)







catch(Exception e)






rb.set(Rd, w);






public void print()


int track = 0;

int[] val;


for(int i = 0; i <= registers; i++)


val = rb.get(track).get();

System.out.print("Register " + track + ": ");

for(int j = 0; j < bits;j++)









catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e)




System.out.println("SP: " + sp);

System.out.println("PC: " + pc);






Converts number to Bits...

Does NOT shift...


public int[] numtoBits(Word w, int Rn)


int[] RntoBits = new int[w.bits];

//Used to convert to binary value

String s = Long.toBinaryString(Rn);


//Loop that allows for binary representation

for(int i = 0; i< s.length(); i++)


//Sets a reverse value to end of array

RntoBits[RntoBits.length-1-i]= Integer.valueOf(s.substring(s.length()-1-i, s.length()-1-(i-1)));





return RntoBits;




Shifts the bits of a Word....



public int[] shiftBits(Word w, int bitshift)


int[] RntoBits = w.get();



Shifting left!




//Count through each shift

for(int i = 0; i < Math.abs(bitshift); i++)


//Loop to rotate each time until it reaches [1]

int temp = RntoBits[0];//Value stored

for(int j = 0; j < RntoBits.length-1; j++)





RntoBits[j+1]; //take whatever is left of j


catch(Exception e)



temp = RntoBits[0];

RntoBits[RntoBits.length-1] = temp;





RntoBits[RntoBits.length-1]= temp;




Shifting Right!




//Count through each shift

for(int i = 0; i < bitshift; i++)


//Loop to rotate each time until it reaches [1]

int temp = RntoBits[RntoBits.length-1];//Value stored

for(int j = RntoBits.length-2; j >= 0; j--)





RntoBits[j]; //take whatever is left of j


catch(Exception e)


temp = RntoBits[RntoBits.length-1];

RntoBits[0] = temp;




RntoBits[0]= temp;



return RntoBits;




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