
In: Computer Science

Write in Java Modify the parent class (Plant) by adding the following abstract methods:(The class give...

Write in Java

  1. Modify the parent class (Plant) by adding the following abstract methods:(The class give in the end of question)
    1. a method to return the botanical (Latin) name of the plant
    2. a method that describes how the plant is used by humans (as food, to build houses, etc)
  2. Add a Vegetable class with a flavor variable (sweet, salty, tart, etc) and 2 methods that return the following information:
    1. list 2 dishes (meals) that the vegetable can be used in
    2. where this vegetable is grown

The Vegetable class should have the usual constructors (default and parameterized), get (accessor) and set (mutator) methods for each attribute, and a toString method

Child classes should call parent methods whenever possible to minimize code duplication.

The driver program must test all the methods in the Vegetable class, and show that the new methods added to the Plant class can be called by each of the child classes. Include comments in your output to describe what you are testing, for example   System.out.println(“testing Plant toString, accessor and mutator”);. Print out some blank lines in the output to make it easier to read and understand what is being output.

public class Plant {
private String name;
private String lifespan;

public Plant(){
name = "no name";
lifespan = "do not know";
public Plant(String newName, String newlife)
name = newName;
lifespan = newlife;
public String getName()
return name;
public String getlife()
return lifespan;
public void setName(String newName)
name = newName;
public void setLifeSpan(String newlife)
lifespan = newlife;
public void set(String newName, String newlife)
name = newName;
lifespan = newlife;
public String toString()
return "Name:"+name+"\nLifeSpan:"+lifespan;


Expert Solution


import java.util.ArrayList;

* The Class Plant.
public abstract class Plant {

   /** The name. */
   private String name;
   /** The lifespan. */
   private String lifespan;

   * Instantiates a new plant.
   public Plant() {
       name = "no name";
       lifespan = "do not know";

   * Instantiates a new plant.
   * @param newName the new name
   * @param newlife the newlife
   public Plant(String newName, String newlife) {
       name = newName;
       lifespan = newlife;

   * Gets the name.
   * @return the name
   public String getName() {
       return name;

   * Gets the life.
   * @return the life
   public String getlife() {
       return lifespan;

   * Sets the name.
   * @param newName the new name
   public void setName(String newName) {
       name = newName;

   * Sets the life span.
   * @param newlife the new life span
   public void setLifeSpan(String newlife) {
       lifespan = newlife;

   * Sets the.
   * @param newName the new name
   * @param newlife the newlife
   public void set(String newName, String newlife) {
       name = newName;
       lifespan = newlife;

   /* (non-Javadoc)
   * @see java.lang.Object#toString()
   public String toString() {
       return "Name:" + name + "\nLifeSpan:" + lifespan;

   * Gets the botanical name.
   * @return the botanical name
   public abstract String getBotanicalName();

   * Usage.
   * @return the array list
   public abstract ArrayList<String> usage();

import java.util.ArrayList;

* The Class Vegetable.
public class Vegetable extends Plant {

   /** The flavor. */
   private String flavor;
   /** The origin. */
   private String origin;
   /** The dishes. */
   private ArrayList<String> dishes;
   /** The botnical name. */
   private String botnicalName;
   /** The uses. */
   private ArrayList<String> uses;

   * Instantiates a new vegetable.
   * @param newName the new name
   * @param newlife the newlife
   public Vegetable(String newName, String newlife) {
       super(newName, newlife);
       this.flavor = "N/A";

   * Instantiates a new vegetable.
   * @param newName the new name
   * @param newlife the newlife
   * @param flavor the flavor
   public Vegetable(String newName, String newlife, String flavor) {
       super(newName, newlife);
       this.flavor = flavor;

   * Gets the flavor.
   * @return the flavor
   public String getFlavor() {
       return flavor;

   * Sets the flavor.
   * @param flavor the new flavor
   public void setFlavor(String flavor) {
       this.flavor = flavor;

   * Gets the origin.
   * @return the origin
   public String getOrigin() {

       return origin;

   * Gets the dishes.
   * @return the dishes
   public ArrayList<String> getDishes() {
       return dishes;

   * Sets the dishes.
   * @param dishes the new dishes
   public void setDishes(ArrayList<String> dishes) {
       this.dishes = dishes;

   * Sets the origin.
   * @param origin the new origin
   public void setOrigin(String origin) {
       this.origin = origin;

   * Gets the botnical name.
   * @return the botnical name
   public String getBotnicalName() {
       return botnicalName;

   * Sets the botnical name.
   * @param botnicalName the new botnical name
   public void setBotnicalName(String botnicalName) {
       this.botnicalName = botnicalName;

   * Gets the uses.
   * @return the uses
   public ArrayList<String> getUses() {
       return uses;

   * Sets the uses.
   * @param uses the new uses
   public void setUses(ArrayList<String> uses) {
       this.uses = uses;

   /* (non-Javadoc)
   * @see Plant#getBotanicalName()
   public String getBotanicalName() {

       return botnicalName;

   /* (non-Javadoc)
   * @see Plant#usage()
   public ArrayList<String> usage() {

       return uses;

   /* (non-Javadoc)
   * @see Plant#toString()
   public String toString() {
       return super.toString() + "\nBotnicalName: " + botnicalName + "\nOrigin: " + origin + "\nDishes: " + dishes
               + "\nUses: " + uses;


import java.util.ArrayList;

* The Class TestPlant.
public class TestPlant {

   * The main method.
   * @param args the arguments
   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Plant plant = new Vegetable("Mango", "300 Years");
       ((Vegetable) plant).setOrigin("southern Asia");
       ((Vegetable) plant).setFlavor("Sweet");

       ArrayList<String> dishes = new ArrayList<>();
       dishes.add("Raw Mango Rasam");
       dishes.add("Corn and Raw Mango Salad");
       dishes.add("Chilled Mango Cheesecake");
       dishes.add("Mango and Mint Kheer");
       dishes.add("Eggless Mango Mousse");
       ((Vegetable) plant).setDishes(dishes);

       ((Vegetable) plant).setBotnicalName("Mangifera indica");
       ArrayList<String> uses = new ArrayList<>();
       ((Vegetable) plant).setUses(uses);



LifeSpan:300 Years
BotnicalName: Mangifera indica
Origin: southern Asia
Dishes: [Raw Mango Rasam, Corn and Raw Mango Salad, Chilled Mango Cheesecake, Mango and Mint Kheer, Eggless Mango Mousse]
Uses: [Food, House, Wood]

Please let me know if you have any doubt or modify the answer, Thanks:)

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