
In: Computer Science

write a java code to represent a sales class as follows: 1- The Sales class contains...

write a java code to represent a sales class as follows:

1- The Sales class contains the names of sellers (strings) and the sales/seller/day (matrix of integers). Assume the number of sellers is set dynamically by the constructor and that the sellers work 6 days/week.


names/days 0 1 2 3 4 5
Ali 30 5 89 71 90 9
Ahmad 15 81 51 69 78 25
Omar 85 96 7 87 41 54

The class should contain the following methods:

- setSaleDetails, this method takes two arguments: the array of sellers' names and their detailed sales as a matrix of integers.

- printSalesDetails. This method prints the sellers' names and their sales (as in the example)

- printTotalSalesPerSeller. This method prints the list of total sales for each seller during the week

- getBestSeller . This method prints the name of the seller who achieved the highest sales during the whole week.

- getBestSellerAtDay . This method takes an integer Day as an argument (from 0 - 5). and prints the name of the seller who achieved the highest sales at this specific day.

----- You are asked to implement a tester class called SalesTester which has the main and do the following:

- creates an object from class Sales with a specific number of sales (example: 3)

- generates a random set of sales for each seller. Assume sales/day is integer and between 0 and 100.

- set the names of sellers and their sales (pass it to created object)

- calls all the methods of the class Sales for testing.


Expert Solution


Hope you are doing fine. I have coded the above question in java as per all the requirements mentioned above. The code has been clearly explained using comments that have been highlighted in bold. Since the sample out of all the method has not been mentioned, I have taken the liberty to print out in an understandable easy manner. You may change it as per your requirement. Also have a look at the code snippets and output below that would provide you with a clearer picture of the code.


//class sales
public class Sales {

   //num is used to store the number of sellers
   int num;
   //name is an array of strings used to store the names of sellers
   String[] name=new String[num];
   //sales is an integer matrix that is used to record sales. The rows of sales will be same as number of sellers and the columns will be 6 as there are 6 working days
   int sales[][]= new int[num][6];
   //constructor that initializes the value of num
   public Sales(int num) {
       this.num = num;
   //Method used to set the values of name and sales using the input parameters
   public void setSaleDetails(String [] names,int [][] sale)
   //method used to print details of sales of all sellers
   public void printSalesDetails()
       System.out.println("names/days   0   1   2   3   4   5");
       //loop to traverse through the rows of sales
       for(int i=0;i<num;i++)
           //loop to traverse through the columns of sales
           for(int j=0;j<6;j++)
               //printing the sales element at i,j
   //method to print total sales per seller
   public void printTotalSalesPerSeller()
       System.out.println("names total sales");
       //sum is an int array used to store sum of sales of each seller
       int sum[]=new int[num];
       //loop to traverse through the rows of sales
       for(int i=0;i<num;i++)
           System.out.print(name[i]+" ");
           //loop to traverse through the columns of sales
           for(int j=0;j<6;j++)
               //adding sales[i][j] to sum[i] st every iteration
//method to find the highest sales during the whole week
   public void getBestSeller()
       //highest is used to record the highest figure of sales and index is used to note the index i.e the seller number who has got the sale
       int highest=0,index=0;
       //loop to traverse through the rows of sales
       for(int i=0;i<num;i++)
           //loop to traverse through the columns of sales
           for(int j=0;j<6;j++)
               //if current element is greater than highest then highest will be reassigned along with index at current index
       System.out.println("The highest sales during the week were "+highest+" which were recorded for "+name[index]);

   //method to find the highest sales for a particular day
   public void getBestSellerAtDay(int day)
       //highest is used to record the highest figure of sales and index is used to note the index i.e the seller number who has got the sale
       int highest=0,index=0;
       //loop to traverse through the rows of sales
       for(int i=0;i<num;i++)
           //if current element is greater than highest then highest will be reassigned along with index at current index
       System.out.println("The highest sales for the day "+day+" were "+highest+" which were recorded for "+name[index]);

//Tester class
import java.util.Random;

public class SalesTester {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
       // TODO Auto-generated method stub
       //creating object s with 3 sellers for Sales
       Sales s=new Sales(3);
       //creating new object to generate random numbers
       Random rand=new Random();
       //declaring sales array of type int to store sales. It is of size 3x6 as there are 3 sellers and 6 days
       int sales[][]=new int[3][6];
       //traversing through rows of sales
       for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
           //traversing through columns of sales
           for(int j=0;j<6;j++)
               //setting sales element to a random number generated between 0 to 100 (both inclusive)
       //names is used to store names of sellers
       String []names= {"Ali","Ahmad","Omar"};
       //Calling all the methods of class Sales
       s.setSaleDetails(names, sales);



Executable code snippets:


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