In: Economics
Climatic change and environmental issues are much discussed globally. In the US economy rules and regulations are set for an entire economy and it is much concentrated on the entire federal system. But recently president Mr Trump noticed California and Manchester's are following very strict regulations regarding emission control on motor vehicles So he had planned to revoke both the California and Manchester . it is a attack which is an array of efforts to weaken climatic change regulations by president as a expressed skepticism about the scientific consensus was that global warming is caused by human beings In the report it says administration plans to weaken auto emission standards nationwide has rolled back rules governing coal-burning power plants and eased restrictions on energy companies governing leaks of Methane which is known as powerful Greenhouse gas.
Now when California and Manchester set the regulation it becomes very strict and certain other states may follow this tighter standards which together represent third of the nation auto market. but as per experts these rules which are set block Federal standards to regulate greenhouse pollution.Therefore for automakers that would be a Nightmare.If strict regulations are imposed various hazards to health like problems of respiratory system except can be controlled because all these are caused by emission of vehicles