In: Nursing
Module 10 Written Assignment - Contemporary Issues and Trends
In this written assignment, identify one specific contemporary issue or trend that you are interested in learning more about. Choose from the categories below. For example you might want to learn more about why it is more difficult for some groups to receive care than others, which would fall under Client Access to Care. Or, you might want to compare nursing practice in the U.S. with how nurses practice in Japan, which would fall under the category of Global Healthcare and Nursing.
Global Healthcare and Nursing
Healthcare Reform
U.S. Healthcare Financing
Nursing's Role in the U.S. Healthcare System
Integrative Healthcare
Nursing Leadership and Management
Nursing Education
Nursing Practice
Nursing Professionalism
Advancing Nursing as a Profession
Client Access to Care
Delivering Client Care
Interdisciplinary Teamwork and Collaboration
Ethical Practices in Healthcare
Quality and Safety in Healthcare Delivery
Health/Nursing Informatics
Once the issue or trend is identified, find five important/significant facts about it, substantiated by an evidence-based article or reference. Include the article or references in your submission.
I choose the category of the Issue or trend in Nursing Education.
Nursing education influenced by a number of trends and each has a specific problem or issues. These trends are complex and influence the nursing education more. The trends are the continuous process with no ends.
Five important/significant facts:
1. Knowledge expansion and use of technology and the internet:
The knowledge expands more rapidly with the use of internet and technology. Gathering of more information within the limited time. Sometimes this global resource opportunities overload the information. The technology is growing faster, so they need to update the knowledge more frequently. The students have to develop the skills of analytic thinking, decision making, time management, and judgment. The academic course and the curriculum must also change frequently according to the needs.
Performance-Based Learning and Assessment method:
There is a rapid change in the learning method. The use of interactive classes, problem-based learning, learning through projects, has changed the role of lecturers. Portfolio documentation, evaluation of performance through examinations change the role of teaching method. The skill of assessment, problem-solving and communication has increased more than the memorization of lessons. The teacher has to change the role of the learning method.
3. Performance-Based competencies outcomes:
Learning is more focused on core competencies outcome. The competency is goal oriented. Outcomes are evaluated based on the thinking and specify skills. Performance-based competencies outcomes are done through assessment, knowledge-orientation, critical thinking skills, leadership management and are evaluated by many educators which are a complex issue.
4. socio-demographic, cultural diversity, political change:
Increased of the aged population, multicultural, and ethnic diversity increases the learning. The economic and political changes lead to the issues of violence in the workplace. Cultural diversity makes difference in the therapeutic relationship with the patient. The differences in the culture and tradition between the patients and caregivers lead to a change in Nursing Education. Learning of diverse people, cultural values, customs are increased in Nursing Education.
5. Ethics and Bioethical Concerns:
The professional practice raises ethical issues with the right to the treatment and therapies. The major issues are related to the diversity in life practices and professional standards. The major issue is the difference in the professional practice with the personal belief. Sometimes the controversial issues present with the professional practices.
1. Elsevier. Contemporary Nursing issues, trends, and Management (6) Contemporary Nursing. 2013. Cherry.B and Jacob S.R.
2. Annette Debisette, The National Advisory Council on Education and Practice, Addressing New challenges facing Nursing Education, 2010 pp 1 -32 Retrieved from committee/bhbradvisory/nacnep/reports/eighthreport.pdf