In: Economics
What sorts of limitations (i.e. LATE, attrition) do you expect
for the experiment?
What can be done to mitigate the effects of those
Attrition bias happens when participants drop out from a study;
The drop-outs have unique study-related characteristics, resulting
in a difference between initial and ending samples. Selective
attrition bias happens when the differences are between control
groups and treatment groups (as opposed to beginning and ending
samples). If the study-related characteristics are completely
random with no systematic pattern, then attrition bias does not
Effect on Validity
Missing or incomplete outcome data due to attrition bias can weaken internal validity and external validity. Weakened internal validity means that the interactions between the study variables (i.e. the variables i your experiment or study) are changed and may even become meaningless. For example, correlations may be found where there are none, or important correlations may be missed entirely. Weakened external validity means that the study cannot be generalized to other populations.
You didn't clearly mention what would be the experiment. Also I have no option for replying if you comment the question. Please repost it if further assistance is needed.