I am assuming it is a PowerPoint presentation:
First slide:
- What is diabetes? - diabetes is a metabolic disorder
characterized by an increase in the level of blood sugar.
- This increase in the level of blood sugar negatively impacts
various systems of the body.
- The most important body systems affected by it are
- Immune system
- The eye
- Nerves
- The endocrine system
- Musculoskeletal system
Second slide
The burden on diabetes mellitus:
- 463 million people global are affected by diabetes
- More common in the rural parts of the world then the urban
- Usually affects people in the 4th decade of life.
- In the developing world it affect people in a decade
- ( You can add statistics from your country)
Third slide
- Types of diabetes
- Type 1 diabetes - due to destruction of the Beta cell of
- Type 2 diabetes- this is due to peripheral insulin resistance
and reduce insulin secretion.
- Gestational diabetes - This type of diabetes occurs during
- Most common type of diabetes is type 2 diabetes
Fourth Slide:
Risk factors for type 2 diabetes mellitus
- Older age
- Obesity
- Lack of physical activity
- Smoking
- High blood pressure
- High cholesterol level
- Race/ ethincity
- History of gestational disease
Fifth slide:
Clinical features of diabetes
- Asymptomatic
- Polyuria ( excessive urination)
- Polydipsia ( excessive thrust)
- delayed wound healing
- Increase risk of infection ( skin, lung)
- Reduced vision ( due to development of cataract and diabetic
- tingling and numbness of extremities ( due to peripheral
Sixth slide:
The complication due to diabetes:
- Peripheral neuropathy
- Opthalmic complication - diabetic neuropathy and cataract and
- Diabetic nephropathy.
- Reduced immunity ( increase risk of ear, skin, eye and lung
- Development of trophic ulcer.
- Risk of limb amputation
- Diabetic ketoacidosis and coma
- HbA1c >6.5%
- Fasting blood glucose - > 126 mg/dl
- Oral glucose tolerance test - blood glucose after 2 hours >
200 mg/dl
- Random blood glucose > 200 mg/dl
- Exercise
- Diet control
- Oral hypoglycemic drugs
- Insulin
The goal of all these treatment modalities is to keep the blood
glucose level under control and prevent complication due to