
In: Operations Management

I need presentation. It is a 2-minute presentation From My Argument Paper. if you can do...

I need presentation. It is a 2-minute presentation From My Argument Paper. if you can do typing I will appreciate

i just need to use my information to making persentation . and should be short i did but is too long as you can see i had 3 topics and intrduction

This is my Information Argument Paper.

First was topic Why Fully Automated Can Be Hacked

Second was Topic Why Fully Automated Cars Are Not Safe Because the Road Conditions Frequently Charge

Third was topic Why Fully Automated Cars Do Not Recognize Heavily Congested Traffic

Introduction -

Now a days technology is reaching to the peak, and demand for the driverless vehicles also increasing day by day. As like as technology helping humans to some areas there are chances that technology may harm the humans life. Fully automatic cars is one of the advanced technology and we all know about how it helps to human beings but today we are going to discuss how they are not safe to the human beings.The purpose of this is to talk about fully automated cars are not safe enough .


Expert Solution

Presentation :

As perfectly said, technology is a blessing as well as curse. While some people engage in making new innovations possible, others indulge into ruining it by finding a loop hole to exploit it. The same is the case with fully automated cars which on account of being fully automatic can be more prone to cyber attacks, thus through making use of digital vulnerabilities self driving cars can be used to create havoc on earth by controlling them to make accidents leaving no trace of claim on a hacker who can get into the system, and can control every aspect of the car.

Fully automatic cars are not safe because they cannot keep up with the changes which a human mind frequently identifies. We are still not in era to trust automation because the highways and side roads have not yet been optimised for self-driving cars making roads and infrastructure unsuitable to use self driving cars. The software of car might not have proper software to navigate extreme weather conditions or tricky congestion patterns making self driving risky.

The fully Automated Cars Do Not Recognise Heavily Congested Traffic because of not being effectively equiped to navigate through map and surroundings and because of lack of willingness of individuals to share their rides.



Thanks student.. Hope this helps.. Stay safe..

Please shorten this further if required... And comment below for confusions :)

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