
In: Chemistry

The third order rate coefficient for: O + O2 + M   -> O3 + M is...

The third order rate coefficient for:

O + O2 + M   -> O3 + M

is given by the expression: k = 6.0x10-34 *(T/300)-2.4 cm6 molecule-2 s-1

This reaction is in the low pressure, i.e. termolecular, limit under all atmospheric conditions.

1) Find the effective bimolecular rate at 220K and a pressure of 50 mbar

2) An O2 molecule undergoes photolysis giving O3P

Find the pseudo-first order rate of O3 formation at 220K and a pressure of 50 mbar.

What is the lifetime of O3P at 220K and a pressure of 50 mbar.


Expert Solution

1) A bimolecular reaction involves the collision of two reactants A and B to yield two products C and D. The collision produces an activated complex AB* which decomposes rapidly either to the original reactants A and B or to the products C and D. The reaction is written

A+B C+ D

and its rate is calculated as

- d[A] / dt = - d[B] / dt = d[C] / dt = d[D] / dt  = k [A] [B]

where k is the rate constant for the reaction. In this expression the concentrations are number densities so that the product [A] [B] is proportional to the frequency of collisions. The rate of the reaction depends on the frequency of collisions and on the rate of the activated complex. and k is given in units of cm3 molecule-1 s-1, in which case [A] and [B] must be in units of molecules cm-3.

we can apply equestion for given example

- d[O] / dt = - d[O2] / dt = d[O3] / dt = k [O] [O2]

we have k = 6.0 x 10-34 x (200/300) - 2.4 cm6 molecule-2 s-1

put values in equestion and solve.

2) Photolysis of O2 yields two O atoms

O2 + hν O + O

where the O atoms are in the ground-level triplet state O(3 P) (section 9.4) and are highly reactive due to their two unpaired electrons. They combine rapidly with O2 to form ozone

O + O +2 M O3 + M

where M is a third body

a mass balance equation for Ox as the sum of the mass balance equations for O3 and O:

d [Ox]/dt = d [O3] + [O] /dt =  d [O3]/dt +  d [O]/dt

The lifetime of Ox is given by

Ox= [Ox]/ 2k4 [O][O3] = 1/ 2k4[O]

= 1/ 2 x 6.0 x 10-34 x (200/300) - 2.4

= 1/12 x 10-34 x 0.66 - 2.4

= 1/ 8 x 10-34 - 2.4 = - 2.275 x 10-34 cm6 molecule-2 s-1

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