
In: Biology

A virulent phage is a bacterial virus that



A virulent phage is a bacterial virus that


Is also known as temperate phage


Causes lysis of the infected bacterial cells immediately upon infection.


Has a life cycle during which it can switch from lysogenic to a lytic cycle


Has a life cycle with a lysogenic phase during which it remains integrated in the bacterial chromosome for ever.


All of the above is true of a virulent phage.


Heritable changes in the nucleotide sequnce of DNA of an organism's genome are




epigenetic modifications


genomic imprinting




lytic cycles


In meiosis, bivalents line up on the equatorial plate of the cell during ___________, and sister chromatids separate from one another during_________.


prophase II; metaphase I,


prophase I; prophase II,


metaphase I, anaphase II


metaphase II, prophase I


metaphase II, metaphase II


Mutated tumor-suppressor genes act in a _________manner, while oncogenes act in a _________ manner to produce the cancer phenotype.


Malignant; benign


Recessive; dominant


Benign; malignant


Benign; benevolent


Dominant; recessive


How is a mammal cloned from an adult individual?


The diploid nucleus of an egg cell is removed and replaced with the haploid nucleus of a donor cell from the adult mammal.


A fertilized egg cell is allowed to divide in vitro, and then the resulting early embryo is split into several small clusters of embryonic cells.


A haploid egg cell is fertilized with a haploid sperm in vitro.


The haploid nucleus of an egg cell is removed and replaced with the diploid nucleus of the donor cell from the adult mammal.


It is not possible to clone a mammal: It is all fake news fabricated by the liberal media.



Which of the following is/are the goal(s) of therapeutic cloning?


To clone a new organism that is genetically identical to the donor organism.


To implant cloned embryos into a female uterus for gestation and delivery of a newborn individual.


To replace or repair damaged cells to treat human disease


To determine that a naturally conceived fetus in the motherâ s uterus will not be born with trisomy 21


All of the above are goals of therapeutic cloning.


Which modified base of the DNA is associated with epigenetic marks?













The connection between maternal grooming patterns and anxiety level in adult rats includes:


The amount of royal jelly consumed by the father.


X chromosome inactivation in the mother


X chromosome inactivation in the father


Deletion of the SNRPN, Necdin and UBE3A genes, causing Angelman Syndrome


Altering the level of expression of the glucocorticoid receptor gene in the hippocampus.


How does histone de-acetylation affect transcription of a gene?


It always enhances transcription


It always represses transcription


It depends on which amino acid of which histone protein is methylated


It opens up the chromatin and prevents heterochromatin formation.


It does not influence transcription, but leads to the initiation of DNA replication at the gene


What would be the first step in cloning the DNA fragment which contains the promoter and the introns of a gene?


To extract mRNA to construct a cDNA library.


To extract DNA to construct a genomic library


To design a crRNA so that the promoter can be targeted with CRISPR-Cas9 system


To design a silencing construct so that the expression from the promoter can be down-regulated using RNAi.


To make a cross between an individual which has the promoter in its genome with another individual which does not.


Expert Solution

Question 91: A virulent phage is a bacterial virus that causes lysis of the infected bacterial cells immediately upon infection.

On the other hand, temperate phage has both lytic and lysogenic phases in their life cycle. Additonally, during the lysogenic phase, it integrates within the bacterial chromosome.

Question 92: Heritable changes in the nucleotide sequnce of DNA of an organism's genome are epigenetic modifications.

Mutations may or may not be inhertiable. Genomic imprinting refers to marking of the working gene set upon fertilisation. Hybridization refers to crossing over of genes.

Question 93: In meiosis, bivalents line up on the equatorial plate of the cell during metaphase I, and sister chromatids separate from one another during anaphase II.

Question 94: Mutated tumor-suppressor genes act in a recessive manner, while oncogenes act in a dominant manner to produce the cancer phenotype.

Question 95: The haploid nucleus of an egg cell is removed and replaced with the diploid nucleus of the donor cell from the adult mammal.

Question 96: To replace or repair damaged cells to treat human disease.

All other are ethically debatable.

Question 97: Methyl cytosine, as methylation of bases is the most common epigenetic marker. Cytoisne is one of the four bases present in DNA.

Question 98: The connection between maternal grooming patterns and anxiety level in adult rats includes altering the level of expression of the glucocorticoid receptor gene in the hippocampus.

Question 99: It always represses transcription

De-acetylation of histone allows it to binds more tightly to the DNA, thus preventing transcription.

Question 100: To extract mRNA to construct a cDNA library.

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