In: Nursing
Could you please give a description of one of the tools that a health services organization or one with which you are familiar uses for process analysis. Be specific and provide examples. Then, create your own example of this tool, and attach it to your discussion. Do not use real data. Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the tool for process analysis in health care administration, and explain why.
* One of the tools which used in our hospital are V.I.P score.which help to identify infusion phlebitis
and take remedial measures to secure venous acess site.
Example of using V.I.P score
* A patient complaining about pain in forearm where cannula is inserted.then we can
use V.I.P score to assess the condition through
* Score 0 : Observe the cannula for signs of phlebitis if site appears
* Score 1: Assess possible first signs of phlebitis.(slight pain and
redness of iv site)
*Score 2: Assess early signs of phlebitis.( pain,erythema,swelling)
*Score 3: Assess medium level of phlebitis.(pain,erythema,induration)
*Score 4: Assess advanced level of phlebitis.(pain,erythema,induration
palpable venous cord)
*Score 5: Assess advanced level of thrombophlebitis(pain,erythema
induration,palpable cord and pyrexia)
* In this patient only pain on insertion site is present so score is 1.if score is more than one change cannula.
* Strength and weakness of this tool
* V.I.P score help for clear identification of infection on the insertion site.
* Helpful in patients with multiple iv infusions.
* less time consuming.
* Easy to use.
* Low cost for preparation.
* Pain is a subjective data so it affect evaluvation process.
* If erythema of insertion site is not because of misplacement instead patient had a systemic
allergic reaction then it alter evaluvation process.