
In: Nursing

I have to do a nursing skill template in a few sentences can you please describe...

I have to do a nursing skill template in a few sentences can you please describe the nursing interventions for trach suctioning (pre,intra,post). and the outcome and evaluations of trach suctioning


Expert Solution

Nursing intervention tracheotomy suction:

Pre procedure nursing care:

1. Observe the sign of hypoxia, excessive secretions, infections, pain etc.

2. Examine the tracheotomy tube any attached tubing's and equipments as well as stoma site.

3. Auscultate breath sounds

4. Keep ready with emergency drugs and CPR tray.

5. Provide semi fowlers positions.

6. Select appropriate catheter size.

7. Hyper oxygenate the clients.

Nursing care during procedure (intra):

1. Insert catheter to a pretty measured depth

2. Apply suction on withdrawal of catheter

3. Limit suctioning to 5 seconds

4. Use suction pressure80- 120

5. Limit suctioning to three passes.

6. Discontinue if heart rate drop by 20 or increased by 40.

7. Maintain sterility throughout the procedure.

Post care:

1. Hyper oxygenate the client

2. Return the patient to ventilator or oxygen source

3. Assess for cough effort

4. Record the characteristics of secretions

5. Note breath sounds.

Outcome and evaluation:

1. Patient comfort

2. Oxygen Saturday

3. Breath sounds

4. Breathing pattern

5. Physiological and psychological response of the patient

6. Inspect the inner and outer cannula for secretions

7. Asses the stomach for inflammation, edema and discharge.

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