In: Nursing
Use Active Learning Template: Nursing Skill PREECLAMPSIA.
Description of skill
Mnagement of patient with preeclampsia
To decrease the chances of occuring the preeclampsia and to reduce its severity if it happens
Early diagnosis and prevention of its prognosis
Nursing intervention (pre)
Assess the blood pressure regularly
Close monitoring of the patient
Frequent reassessment
Good nutritional supply which includes thye intake of vegetables,whole grains fruits etc and limit the intake of sodium in the food.
Best prenatal care
Advice the patient to reduca the physical activity.
Encourage the patient to take the antihypertensives on time.
Nursing intervetions (intra)
Frequent assessment of the patient and the fetus
Frequently check the blood pressure
Assess the patient for the complications of preeclamsia like fluid collection in the chest,headache,seizures,and the signs of preterm delivery.and bleeding even after the delivery.
Administration of magnesium sulphate to prevent the eclampsia
Nursing interventions (post)
Asses the patient for increased blood pressure
Administer magnesium sulphate to prevent the eclampsia
Patient understood about the occurance of preeclampsia,its complications and the need for checking the blood pressure regularly,blood investigations and th eurine tests.Preeclampsia is under the control
Client educations
Explain about the disease condition and its prognosis and the signs and symptoms.
Explain the remedies to prevent and to decrease the incidence of prognosis
Explain the patient about the importance of regular follow up.
Explain the patient about the importance of accurate information about thye personal and medical history like previous history of preeclampsia,previous hypertension age etc
Educate the patient that restricting the sodium intake is mandatory as it can increase the blood pressure
Explain about the need of minimizing the physical activity.
Explain about the complications and its signs and symptoms
Inform the patient regarding the emergency number that she can contact if she experience any of the abnormalities that is explained to her.
Potential complications
Limited fetal growth
preterm delivery
HELLP syndrome due to the hemolysis,increased liver enzyme and low platelet count
Herat failure
Fluid collection in the chest
Blurred vision sometimes the irreversible loss of vision
post partum hemorrhage