
In: Nursing

1.What do you think is the primary reason people take on contingent positions? How do you...

1.What do you think is the primary reason people take on contingent positions? How do you think contingency workers ensure they have a steady flow of income.
2. What is the best way for a health care team to address a committee member who is a skilled health care provider but is not a good team player( the person does not participate, completes tasks, or communicate)? What steps would you take if you found yourself on a task force or commitee with a person who did not want to be on the team or fully participate? What would you do if you were the team leader?
3. Training and development are essential so health care organizations can provide quality care. How can you ensure all of the employees at the clinic learn about these new regulations before they must be enacted? What plan would you develop? Briefly describe your plan.
4. If you are a health care employee who lost your trust in your organization, what steps would the organization need to take to win it back? If you are a manager in that organization, how would you use your leadership skills to rebuild your employees trust?
5. What is the best way for health care organizations to use social media to communicate? What type of information is best communicated that way from these organisations?


Expert Solution

4. If you are a health care employee who lost your trust in your organization, what steps would the organization need to take to win it back? If you are a manager in that organization, how would you use your leadership skills to rebuild your employees trust?

A leader’s ability to inspire and motivate employees is based on trust. When people trust you, they have confidence in your decisions. Even in uncertainty, they will be influenced by your leadership. Aligning your words and actions is a key pillar for building trust with employees and, ultimately, for an organization’s success. When there is a disconnect between a leader’s words and actions, employees are less likely to become engaged and committed to the organization.

  • Recognize that rebuilding trust is going to take a long time-

Most people, when they have been burned by a leader, will not respond well when the leader states, “From this point forward, you can trust me.” To expect your employees to instantly trust you again is unreasonable, and will only continue to undermine their trust in your leadership.
Trust must be earned. It comes from conscious effort to walk your talk, keep your promises and align your behavior with your values. Building trust is worth the effort because once trust is lost, it can be very difficult to recover.

  • Be honest and supportive-

Even when it’s difficult, tell the truth and not just what you think people want to hear. Understand what employees need to know and communicate facts while being considerate of their effort and sensitive to their feelings. Showing support and understanding for your team members, even when mistakes are made. It goes a long way in building trust as a leader.

  • Admit you screwed up-

Part of re-building trust is letting go of any excuse for why you did what you did to destroy the trust. Coming to confession with your team and telling them, “I made a mistake. If I had to do this over again, I want you know I would not repeat my actions that have caused you to lose trust in me. You have my commitment moving forward that I will handle this differently, and tell you the truth each step of the way.”

  • Be consistent-

Consistently doing what you say you’ll do builds trust over time – it can’t be something you do only occasionally. Keeping commitments must be the essence of your behavior, in all relationships, day after day and year after year.

  • Model the behavior you seek-

Nothing speaks more loudly about the culture of an organization than the leader’s behavior, which influences employee action and has the potential to drive their results. If you say teamwork is important, reinforce the point by collaborating across teams and functions. Give credit when people do great work and you’ll set the stage for an appreciative culture.

  • Hold team members equally accountable-

Great leaders do not have favorites. They hold all team members equally accountable to high performance standards. When leaders do this well, there will be days when not every member of the team is happy with them and their decisions. Holding all team members equally accountable means that no employee perceives the leader as having favorites on the team. This point is easy to say but extremely hard to consistently execute on a daily basis.

  • Listen-

Listening to your boss, direct reports, peers, and customers, and then acting on their feedback, is one of the quicker and more actionable ways to rebuild trust. It communicated to people that you value their opinion and are willing to act on their advice.

  • Ask for feedback-  

Let people know you are aware that your actions have eroded the trust of the team, and you are working hard to rebuild it. Ask people for honest feedback on which actions you are taking are working well for the team, and what people think you could do differently to be an even stronger leader.

Gaining back lost trust is easier said than done. It will require patience, perseverance, and most of all, time. Raise your personal leadership standards, commit to them, and do right by your team. Leadership is nonexistent without the relationships you build with your employees. Without trust, you have no followers. And without followers, there is no leader.

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