how do the types of atomic bonds determine the physical properties of minerals? include four different...

how do the types of atomic bonds determine the physical properties of minerals? include four different types of bonds discussed in the class materials and textbook using examples of specific minerals to illustrate the bond character some properties

In: Other

In engineering economic (chemical engineer) evaluation, what's the definition for these terms?

In engineering economic (chemical engineer) evaluation, what's the definition for these terms?

Extended credit

In process inventory

Product inventory

Please explain using language that can be understood by laymen, preferably adding day to day analogies.  

In: Other

1. Truth or falseRisk assessment involves (1) hazard identification orevaluation, (2) dose-repsonse evaluation, (3)...

1. Truth or false

  1. Risk assessment involves (1) hazard identification or evaluation, (2) dose-repsonse evaluation, (3) exposure evaluation, and (4) risk characterization.

  2. Exposure routes include respiration, dermal contact, and oral intake.

  3. Volatility and bioconcentration quickly reduce a substance’s availability, while dissolution and adsorption often prolong it.

  4. Contact frequency is not related to exposure at all.

  5. Approximately 50% of our population is exposed to toxic chemicals.

  6. Uncertainty is an uncommon feature of risk characterization.

  7. Assessment of ecological risk follows different steps as that for humans.

  8. Risk assessment involves dose-response extrapolations.

  9. Metabolism and disposition of drugs often are not related to physiological time and development.

  10. Ecosystems possess energy and material flows, biogeochemical cycling, nutrient retention and an ability to resist changes and detoxify pollutants.

  11. Risk management considers only risk, but not benefits.

In: Other

How can the knowledge of grain size distribution aid in the evaluation of a petroleum reservoir?

Petroleum Engineering:
How can the knowledge of grain size distribution aid in the evaluation of a petroleum reservoir?

In: Other

Discuss ways in which the constraints on possible solutions to an engineering design problem arise.

Discuss ways in which the constraints on possible solutions to an engineering design problem arise.

In: Other

Which condition best describes North America during the Cambrian? equatorial; rotated ~90o clockwise from present equatorial;...

  1. Which condition best describes North America during the Cambrian?
  1. equatorial; rotated ~90o clockwise from present
  2. equatorial; rotated ~90o counterclockwise from present
  3. polar; rotated ~90o clockwise from present
  4. polar; rotated ~90o counterclockwise from present
  1. Which orogeny represents the first major mountain building event along the east coast of North America during the Paleozoic?
  1. Acadian     b. Appalachian            c. Cordilleran d. Taconic
  1. The Martinsburg Formation represents sediment derived from mountains formed during the _____ Orogeny.
    1. Acadian                 b. Appalachian            c. Cordilleran d. Taconic
  2. Which group of organism represents about 50% of the fossils found in Cambrian rocks?
    1. ammonites             b. brachiopods             c. pelecypods d. trilobites
  3. What modern group of organisms is most likely related to archaeocyathids?
    1. brachiopods           b. cephalopods                        c. corals           d. sponges

In: Other

What are the disadvantages of polymers? What is an electrical property of a polymer and is...

What are the disadvantages of polymers? What is an electrical property of a polymer and is there any exception to that electrical property? if so, what is it?

In: Other

If the winds are in a steady state condition, what are they doing? A. The winds...

If the winds are in a steady state condition, what are they doing?

A. The winds are ageostrophic.

B. There is no net force and no additional acceleration.

C. The wind speeds have become supergeostrophic.

D. All of provided choices are true

In: Other

Name the clouds and give the weather condition by their appearance and information provided

Name the clouds and give the weather condition by their appearance and information provided

In: Other

Determine the condition that describes the state of water at 191°C and 200 cm3/g.

Determine the condition that describes the state of water at 191°C and 200 cm3/g.

    1. Saturated vapor

    2. Saturated liquid

    3. 2-phase

    4. Superheated gas

    5. Compressed liquid

In: Other

Which of the following phrases will make this statement TRUE? Dispersion ______. Group of answer choices...

Which of the following phrases will make this statement TRUE? Dispersion ______.

Group of answer choices

describes the spreading of light as a result of differential refraction

describes the spreading of light as a result of total internal reflection

generates allochromatic colours in gemstones

is a unique property to diamond

describes the reflection of light that incidents on a medium of higher refractive index

In: Other

A physician prescribes an otic suspension to contain 100 mg of cortisone acetate in a final...

A physician prescribes an otic suspension to contain 100 mg of cortisone acetate in a final volume of 8 mL. On hand in the pharmacy is a 2.5% cortisone acetate suspension.

a. How many mL of the stock solution are required to make this suspension? Your answer must include units (mL).

b. How many mL of normal saline (NS) will you use as a diluent? Your answer must include units (mL).

In: Other

A powerful contribution of the 1st and 2nd laws is to determine the design feasibility of...

A powerful contribution of the 1st and 2nd laws is to determine the design feasibility of a process/device/system. Please determine the feasibility of the following flow device: a steady-state flow device in which the inlet is steam at 300and 5 bar, the outlet is saturated steam at 100 and 1 bar, the device is adiabatic and produces approximately 500 kJ per kilogram of steam passed through the device.

In: Other

Explain how the the annual cost per kWh is calculated for alternative power sources including wind,...

Explain how the the annual cost per kWh is calculated for alternative power sources including wind, fossil fuels, and nuclear. As part of your discussion, explain why it is important to make comparisons this way.  

This question is from Chapter 24: Wind Energy Power Company, Inc: Analyzing a Wind Energy Investment. Hint: See Appendix 24.3.

2.Refer to Exhibit 24.5, Panel A. Which type of energy had the lowest cost per kWh to produce electricity in July 2008?

This question is from Chapter 24: Wind Energy Power Company, Inc: Analyzing a Wind Energy Investment.  

a. natural gas

b. coal

c. nuclear

wind turbines

3. The Midwest Price Spike was eventually found to be a failure of what financial risk?

Hint: This question is from the reading about the 10 Biggest Energy Risk Management Disasters.

a. All of the above are correct

b. Market Risk

c. Operational Risk

d. Credit Risk

In: Other

Does the sun have an orbit, if so what causes this orbital motion?

Does the sun have an orbit, if so what causes this orbital motion?

In: Other