What is the greatest danger from earthflow? Select one: A. loss of life by rapid downslope...

What is the greatest danger from earthflow?

Select one:

A. loss of life by rapid downslope movement of the earthflow

B. loss of property along the path of the earthflow

C. deforestation along the earthflow path

D. loss of water quality by mud flowing into river drainages, polluting the water

Slump describes the very ________ of soil and regolith.

Select one:

A. fast weathering

B. slow downhill motion

C. deposition

D. fast downhill motion

In: Other

Write a role of process engineer in safety analysis?

Write a role of process engineer in safety analysis?

In: Other

1. If two different moral objectivists believe conflicting moral principles to be true-period, one of them [at least] must be mistaken.

1. If two different moral objectivists believe conflicting moral principles to be true-period, one of them [at least] must be mistaken.



2. If one is a moral objectivist, then one cannot be mistaken in thinkng that a particular moral principle is true.



3. As far as a subjectivist is concerned, it is not possible to sincerely believe that some moral principle is correct and to be mistaken about this.



4. Contradictory moral principles can be true-relative as along as the groups to which they are relative are different.



5. If I am a moral objectivist and you are a moral objectivist, then the only way one of us can morally evaluate the other is if we share all the same moral principles.



In: Other

What are minerals, what are their important physical properties, how are they formed (in general) where are they found in nature (in general with any examples that you have researched).

demonstrate an understanding of the underlying geologic principles for the question, explaining it and second, how this bit of geology affects you in concrete, specific ways.


What are minerals, what are their important physical properties, how are they formed (in general) where are they found in nature (in general with any examples that you have researched). Why are they important and how are they used in society with concrete, specific examples of at least 3 minerals and the many ways each mineral is used.

In: Other

List 5 types of non-metallic lustre, with common mineral examples for each.

List 5 types of non-metallic lustre, with common mineral examples for each. Also list a mineral example with each of a metallic and sub-metallic lustre.  

                                    Type of Non-metallic Lustre                    Mineral Example

  1. ______________________        _________________________

  2. ______________________        _________________________

  3. ______________________        _________________________

  4. ______________________        _________________________

  5. ______________________        _________________________

                                    Mineral Example of Metallic Lustre                

  1. _____________________________         

                                    Mineral Example of Sub-Metallic Lustre         

  1. _____________________________          

In: Other

What physical properties used to identify an unknown mineral aremost useful? Why?

What physical properties used to identify an unknown mineral are most useful? Why?

In: Other

Most minerals can be identified without using highly scientific chemical analyses in a lab. Identify four...

Most minerals can be identified without using highly scientific chemical analyses in a lab. Identify four mineral properties that allow geologists to identify minerals without chemically analyzing them in a lab.

then describe briefly how minerals form

In: Other

Select all of the statements that are true about the mechanical layers of the earth. Group...

Select all of the statements that are true about the mechanical layers of the earth.

Group of answer choices

The layers are defined by their chemical structure.

The earth's core is broken into two components - inner and outer.

The layers are defined by their physical/behavioral properties.

The two crust types - oceanic and continental crust - are mechanical layers.

The core is a single layer.

The asthenosphere is a mechanical layer.

In: Other

What types of atomic bonding are present in gas hydrates? Explain your answer. (Hint: Think carefully...

What types of atomic bonding are present in gas hydrates? Explain your answer. (Hint: Think carefully about all types of bonding that may be present. Not just the most obvious.)

In: Other

which chemical and mechanical properties of polymers are to beconsidered if polymers are used as...

which chemical and mechanical properties of polymers are to be considered if polymers are used as basic materials for the preparation of membranes?

In: Other

**Which of the following physical properties of a mineral depends on the strength of the bonds...

**Which of the following physical properties of a mineral depends on the strength of the bonds that hold its atoms and ions together?

a. color

b. luster

c. specific gravity

d. cleavage

**When the chemical bonds in a mineral are equal in all directions, what will the result be?

a. a nonmetallic luster

b. cleavage

c. conchoidal fracture

d. a low density

**What must be true in order for an ore mineral occurrence to be economically valuable?

a. Natural processes must have concentrated the desired element to greater degree than its average crustal abundance.

b. There must be enough of the ore mineral to make extraction profitable.

c. The sale price of the element must be greater than the costs of mining and extraction.

d. All of the possible answers are correct.

**Polymorphs (minerals like diamond and graphite that have the same chemical composition but are nevertheless different minerals) exist because

a. the elements of which they are made contain atoms of different atomic mass.

b. their mineral structures differ based on the different temperature and pressure conditions under which they formed.

c. impurities are present in the crystal structures.

d. their mineral structures differ due to the effects of the organic processes by which they formed.

**What properties are required for a mineral to be used as (a) an abrasive, (b) jewelry, and (c) a source of iron?

In: Other

1.How are volcanic activity and plate tectonics related? 2.Describe the 5 characteristics (definitional) of minerals and...

1.How are volcanic activity and plate tectonics related?

2.Describe the 5 characteristics (definitional) of minerals and the principal physical properties. What physical properties would you use to identify quartz, feldspar and mica in the field.

3.There are three major types of volcanoes. What are they? What are their characteristics and their dangers?

In: Other

For the following descriptions, identify a metamorphic rock that would go with them: a. A magma...

For the following descriptions, identify a metamorphic rock that would go with them:

a. A magma chamber that intruded where a swamp used to be.

b. A deposit of clay/mud at a convergent plate boundary.

c. A magma chamber that intruded at an old beach (be sure to include a color).

d. A high grade rock found in a mountain range

In: Other

A) Out of three soil types tested (Sand, Greenhouse Mix, and Field Soil), which would be...

A) Out of three soil types tested (Sand, Greenhouse Mix, and Field Soil), which would be expected to have the highest and which would have the lowest organic matter content? Why?

B) Knowing what you do about soil physical and chemical properties, which of the three soil types do you think would be the best for plant growth in a natural environment? Why?

C) Why is knowing the organic matter content of the soil important to a researcher in soil science? Why is it important to a manager (e.g. a farmer or silviculturalist)?

In: Other

Materials in the nano-scale may exhibit remarkable properties. Give three examples. (15 points)

Materials in the nano-scale may exhibit remarkable properties. Give three examples. (15 points)

In: Other