Design a two-phase vertical separator for gas flow rate 25ft 3 /s and oil flow rate...

Design a two-phase vertical separator for gas flow rate 25ft 3 /s and oil flow rate
3000 ft 3 /s. The operating conditions P=1000 Pisa, T=90 O F, Z=0.85, dm=150
micron, µ= 0.013 cp and liquid residence time=3min.
Liquid density =50 Ib/ ft 3
Gas density=5 Ib/ ft

In: Other

A solution of brine (water containing NaCl) contains 230 kg/m3 at 293 K.

A solution of brine (water containing NaCl) contains 230 kg/m3 at 293 K. The density of the brine at this temperature is 1.148 g/cm3 . Calculate the following, a. composition in mass fractions b. composition in mole fractions c. volume % of water. Assume the density of water at this temperature is 0.998 g/cm3

In: Other

Indicate, from the following, which has the second-highest predicted entropy at 298.15 K. 1.0 mol HCN...

Indicate, from the following, which has the second-highest predicted entropy at 298.15 K.

1.0 mol HCN

0.23g of HCN

0.5 mol HCN

15.0 kg HCN

All of these have the same entropy

In: Other

Determine ΔH°rxn at 25 °C for the reaction 2 HCN(g) → 2 C(graphite) + H2(g) +...

Determine ΔH°rxn at 25 °C for the reaction
2 HCN(g) → 2 C(graphite) + H2(g) + N2(g)
given that the standard heat of formation (ΔH°f) of HCN(g) is 135.1 kJ/mol

In: Other

Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN), an important reactant for the synthesis of numerous products, is produced catalytically from...

Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN), an important reactant for the synthesis of numerous products, is produced catalytically from methane, ammonia, and oxygen in the following reversible reaction: CH4 + NH3 + 3/2O2 ------> HCN + 3H2O

A continuous reactor is designed to produce HCN at 2 kmol/min. Air is fed continuously to supply the oxygen (O2), so nitrogen is present as an inert. The oxygen is the limiting reactant and the ammonia (NH3) and methane (CH4) are fed at a 20% and 35% excess, respectively. No HCN is fed and oxygen conversion has been measured at 80%. Determine the feed and product compositions (mole%), the total feed and product flowrates (kmol/min) and the extent of reaction (kmol/min).

In: Other

a. What is the First Principle in the Code of Professional Conduct of Engineers? b. What...

a. What is the First Principle in the Code of Professional Conduct of Engineers?

b. What is whistleblowing? Does it contradict the principle of confidentially considerations?

c. What is Conflict of Interest? Give an example.

In: Other

The pharmacokinetics of a new drug was studied in a healthy volunteer. It was known that...

The pharmacokinetics of a new drug was studied in a healthy volunteer. It was known that the drug followed a first-order, one compartment model kinetics, had a t1/2 of 1 hr, and a CLt of 0.7 L/hr. The drug was administered by intravenous infusion for 8 hrs at a rate of 1.4 mg/hr. Calculate the plasma [drug] (in mg/L) two hours after the start of the infusion.

In: Other

1) What are the major differences between chemical pulping and mechanical pulping? 2) Explain the likely...

1) What are the major differences between chemical pulping and mechanical pulping?

2) Explain the likely fiber separation point/location in cell wall during GP, TMP and KP?


In: Other

Two liquids (water, 50% sodium hydroxide) must be continuously pumped into a tank and mixed together...

  1. Two liquids (water, 50% sodium hydroxide) must be continuously pumped into a tank and mixed together to ensure a constant (and consistent) product flow. As an engineer you must design this system.

  1. Use a diagram to describe how your design
  2. Describe the control structure/s within your circuit (1 mark)
  3. Describe the safety features of your circuit (1 mark)

In: Other

Which of the following statements are true and which are false? Evaporation is used to decrease...

Which of the following statements are true and which are false?

  1. Evaporation is used to decrease the weight and volume of a liquid product.
  2. Concentration of a liquid food increases the shelf life of the food since it decreases the water activity.
  3. Falling film evaporators are not suitable for heat sensitive products.
  4. Agitated film evaporators are suitable for viscous liquids.
  5. Fruit juices are concentrated in falling film evaporators.
  6. Gelatin is concentrated in agitated film evaporators.
  7. Tomato juice is concentrated in forced-circulation evaporators.
  8. Falling film tube evaporators are more compact than plate evaporators.
  9. Natural circulation evaporators are suitable for heat sensitive liquid foods.
  10. Forced circulation evaporators are suitable for viscous liquid foods.

In: Other

Using the information given below draw and label a flowchart of the processes involved in production...

Using the information given below draw and label a flowchart of the processes involved in production of phthalic anhydride. Use boxes and/or other symbols to represent process units and lines with arrows to represent inputs and outputs. Indicate the process conditions. Phthalic anhydride (PA) is produced via partial oxidation of o-xylene using oxygen. The feed to the plant is o-xylene and air. Air is compressed to approximately 2 bar in a centrifugal compressor and heated to 360°C using high-pressure steam in a heat exchanger. The o-xylene feed is passed through a pump to increase its pressure to 2 bar and subsequently heated and vaporized in heat exchanger. These streams are then mixed. The combined o-xylene and air stream enters a multitubular fixed-bed catalytic reactor. In the reactor, the o-xylene undergoes oxidation reactions to produce the desired product of PA, byproduct maleic anhydride (MA) and products of combustion. All these reactions are highly exothermic, and the temperature of the reactor is controlled by heat exchange with a stream of cooling medium that flows concurrently through the shell-side of the reactor.Using the information given below draw and label a flowchart of the processes involved in production of phthalic anhydride. Use boxes and/or other symbols to represent process units and lines with arrows to represent inputs and outputs. Indicate the process conditions. Phthalic anhydride (PA) is produced via partial oxidation of o-xylene using oxygen. The feed to the plant is o-xylene and air. Air is compressed to approximately 2 bar in a centrifugal compressor and heated to 360°C using high-pressure steam in a heat exchanger. The o-xylene feed is passed through a pump to increase its pressure to 2 bar and subsequently heated and vaporized in heat exchanger. These streams are then mixed. The combined o-xylene and air stream enters a multitubular fixed-bed catalytic reactor. In the reactor, the o-xylene undergoes oxidation reactions to produce the desired product of PA, byproduct maleic anhydride (MA) and products of combustion. All these reactions are highly exothermic, and the temperature of the reactor is controlled by heat exchange with a stream of cooling medium that flows concurrently through the shell-side of the reactor.

In: Other

which greenhouse gas are fixed and which are variable gases?

which greenhouse gas are fixed and which are variable gases?

In: Other

cunduction, convection and radiation.which processes operate in which of earths layers. and which onetransfers...

cunduction, convection and radiation.
which processes operate in which of earths layers. and which one transfers the most heat overall

In: Other

Essay Topic: Using specific examples of cultural productions from three cultures we have studied -Sumerians, Archaic...

Essay Topic: Using specific examples of cultural productions from three cultures we have studied -Sumerians, Archaic Greeks (800-480 BCE), Classical Greeks (480-323 BCE)- explain how cultural values and ideals are reflected in the creation and style of cultural productions.  For each culture you must discuss the literature AND one other cultural production of your choice (ex: sculpture, architecture, pottery).  In discussing the literature, you are expected to examine the primary sources we have read for class (The Epic of Gilgamesh, The Iliad, and the works of Plato) and should utilize minimal plot summary.

Failure to meet the following requirements may result in the loss of points:

  • Essays must follow a 5-paragraph format and have an introduction, thesis statement that argues a point, a body of evidence, and a conclusion. All essays must use evidence taken from the text and class, citing important names and dates when necessary. If you are unfamiliar with the five paragraph format follow this link.
  • The text book and announcements should be your only source of information for this assignment.  Outside materials should not be used in the crafting of the paper.
  • Use your own words, but quote or cite the text as you need.  If you must quote, use no more than one short quote per paragraph.
  • Failure to apply adequate or consistent MLA citation will result in point penalties.  Simple MLA style should be used for all citations.
  • Papers should be between 900-1200 words. Failure to reach the word minimum will result in point penalties.  Exceeding the word maximum by 30 words will result in point penalties.
  • Clear and concise prose is essential to the written form and will be taken into account in grading.

  • Papers should illustrate the student

In: Other

Danisco Manufacturing consists of 85 full-time employees and 25 part-time employeess. The full-time employees' working hours...

Danisco Manufacturing consists of 85 full-time employees and 25 part-time employeess. The full-time employees' working hours are 8-hour per day, 5 days per weel in a year. The total overtime worked by the full-time employee is 2900 hours, and the total hours worked by the part-time employee is 1500 hours in year 2016. 18 injuries were recorded at the workplace in year 2016. Determine the OSHA incidence rate based on injuries for year 2016.

In: Other