
In: Computer Science

In Angel, you will find a class called Employee. This class should include a constructor which...

In Angel, you will find a class called Employee. This class should include a constructor which sets name to blanks and salary to $0.00 and a constructor which sets name to a starting name and salary to a set amount. Additionally, the class should include methods to set the name and salary and return the name and salary. Create another method to return the name and salary nicely formatted as a string (hint – research the toString method).

You will create a new class called Manager that inherits from the class Employee. Add a field named department of type String. Supply a method toStringthat prints the manager's name, department, and salary. Remember, you may not change anything in the Employee class.

You will then create a test class that uses the Manager class. The test class should prompt the user to enter name, department and salary. This information should be stored in an array. Upon entry of 3 employee records, the program should output the information you entered.

Your program should be able to handle a maximum of 3 entries.

You may write the program as a console application or using dialog boxes.

Please remember to include the needed comments at the top of your .java file which will identify this

Hand in:

1. A typed copy of the algorithm

2. The printed copy of your UML Class Diagram

3. The printed copy of your working source code with comments


Expert Solution


Algorithm to create 3 Manager objects which inherits the employee class:


Step 1:

1. Create class Employee

2. Add instance variable name (string) and salary(number)

3. Create constructor to set name to blank and salary = 0

4. Create another constructor to set name and salary same as passed parameter values

5. Create setters for name and salary which sets the value of name and salary same as passed variables as parameters.

6. Create getters for name and salary which returns name and salary.

7. Create a toString method which displays employee name and employee salary in formatted output

Step 2:

8. Create a new class Manager which extends Employee

9. Add instance variable department(string)

10. Create a getter for department that returns the department value

11. Create a setter for department that sets the department value same as passed in parameter.

12. Create a toString method which calls Employee’s toString() and add deprtament details in it.

Step 3:

13. Create last class TestManager

14. Create array of Manager class object having size 3.

15. Create name, salary and department for all objects and put in array.

16. Display the manager details for all 3 manager objects using toString method.


The given problem has two classes Employee and Manager where the manager extends the Employee class. All the data members and member functions are shown in the below diagram:


The solution will have 3 classes Employee, Manager and TestManager where TestManager is driver class to call the other classes by instantiating their objects.

public class Employee {

                private String name;

                private int salary;

                //default constructor

                public Employee(){

                                name = "";//set name to blank

                                salary = 0;//set salary to 0



                public Employee(String name, int salary){//parameterised constructor

                      ;//set name same as passed name

                                this.salary=salary;//set salary same as passed salary


                //getters for the instance variables

                public String getName() {

                                return name;//return name



                public int getSalary() {

                                return salary; //return salary


                //setter for setting the values

                public void setName(String name) {

                       = name;//set name as passed variable


                public void setSalary(int salary) {

                                this.salary = salary;//set salary as passed variable



                public String toString() {//return formatted details about employee

                                return "\n\n================\n\nEmployee details:\n================\nEmployee Name: " + name + "\nSalary: " + salary ;



public class Manager extends Employee{

                private String department;         

                //getter for department

                public String getDepartment() {

                                return department; //return department


                //setter for department

                public void setDepartment(String department) {

                                this.department = department;//set department same as passed value



                public String toString() {//print formatted details of manager employee

                                return super.toString()+"\nType: Manager\nDepartment: " + department;//super.toString will print the employee other details



import java.util.Scanner;//to use scanner object while reading inputs

public class TestManager {

                public static void main(String[] args) {

                                Scanner scObject = new Scanner(;//create object of Scanner to read inputs

                                //local variables to read the values from user

                                String nm, dept;

                                int salary;


                                Manager[] managerArray = new Manager[3];//and array of employees which holds 3 objects

                                managerArray[0] = new Manager();//put first object of manager at index 0

                                managerArray[1] = new Manager();//put second object of manager at index 1

                                managerArray[2] = new Manager();//put third object of manager at index 2


                                for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {

                                                System.out.println("Enter details for manager: "+ (i+1)+"\n=============\n");

                                                System.out.print("Enter Name: ");

                                                nm = scObject.nextLine();

                                                System.out.print("Enter Salary: ");

                                                salary = scObject.nextInt();

                                                scObject.nextLine();//remove \n after reading an integer

                                                System.out.print("Enter Department: ");

                                                dept = scObject.nextLine();


                                                //set the read out values to the manager object at index i




                                                }//end for when objects are set for all employees


                                for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {//this loop will print all 3 objects of manager stores in array


                                }//end for

                }//end main

}//end class


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