
In: Computer Science

Part I: The Employee Class You are to first update the Employee class to include two virtual functions. This will make the Employee class an abstract class.


Part I:   The Employee Class

You are to first update the Employee class to include two virtual functions. This will make the Employee class an abstract class.

* Update the function display() to be a virtual function

    * Add function, double weeklyEarning() to be a pure virtual function. This will make Employee an abstract class, so your main will not be able to create any Employee objects.

Part II: The Derived Classes

Add an weeklyEarning() function to each of the three derived classes. A salaried employee’s weekly earning is as stored. An hourly employee’s weekly earning is the hrsworked * payperhr. A commissioned employee’s weekly earning would be the base + the comAmount.

#ifndef Employee_H   
#define Employee_H


using namespace std;

class Employee

   string lastName;
   string firstName;
   int idNum;


   Employee(); //default values assigned to all variables

   Employee(int idNum, string lname, string fname);

   void setLName(string);

   void setFName(string);

   void setIDNum(int);

   string getLName();

   string getFName();

   int getIDNum();

   void displayName();

   void display();



using namespace std;

Employee::Employee() {
   //default values assigned to all variables
   lastName = "";
   firstName = "";
   idNum = 0;

Employee::Employee(int idNum, string lname, string fname) {
   this->lastName = lname;
   this->firstName = fname;
   this->idNum = idNum;
//Sets last name
void Employee::setLName(string lname) {
   this->lastName = lname;
//sets first name
void Employee::setFName(string fname) {
   this->firstName = fname;
//sets id num
void Employee::setIDNum(int idnum) {
   this->idNum = idnum;

//get last name
string Employee::getLName() {
   return lastName;
//get first name  
string Employee::getFName() {
   return firstName;

//get id num
int Employee::getIDNum() {
   return idNum;

//display id and last name
void Employee::displayName() {

   cout << endl << "ID Num : " << this->idNum;
   cout << endl << "Last name : " << this->lastName;

//display employee details
void Employee::display() {

   cout << endl << "ID Number " << this->idNum;
   cout << endl << "First name : " << this->firstName;
   cout << endl << "Last name : " << this->lastName;



#ifndef Salaried_H   
#define Salaried_H

#include "Employee.h"

using namespace std;

class Salaried : public Employee{


   double weeklySal;


   Salaried(int idNum, string lname, string fname);

   Salaried(int idNum, string lname, string fname, double sal);

   void setSal(double nsal);

   double getSal();

   void displaySal();

   void display();


#include "Salaried.h"

using namespace std;

Salaried::Salaried():Employee() {
   this->weeklySal = 0;

Salaried::Salaried(int idNum, string lname, string fname) :Employee(idNum, lname, fname) {
   this->weeklySal = 0;

Salaried::Salaried(int idNum, string lname, string fname, double sal) : Employee(idNum, lname, fname) {
   this->weeklySal = sal;

//set salary
void Salaried::setSal(double nsal) {
   this->weeklySal = nsal;


//get salary
double Salaried::getSal() {
   return weeklySal;

//display name, id num, salary
void Salaried::displaySal() {

   cout << endl << "Name " << this->getLName();
   cout << endl << "ID Num " << this->getIDNum();
   cout << endl << "Weekly salary " << this->weeklySal;

   cout << endl << "------------------------------";


//Display employee details
void Salaried::display() {

   cout << endl << "Weekly salary " << this->weeklySal;
   cout << endl << "------------------------------";

#ifndef Commission_H   
#define Commission_H

#include "Employee.h"

using namespace std;

class Commission : public Employee{

double basesalary;
double comAmount;



Commission(int idNum, string lname, string fname);

Commission(int idNum, string lname, string fname, double bsal);

void setBase(double npay);

void setCom(double nhr);

double getBase();

double getCom();

void displayBase();

void displayEmp();



#include "Commission.h"


using namespace std;

//sets Commission instance to default intial values
Commission::Commission():Employee() {

   this->basesalary = 0;
   this->comAmount = 0;

//Sets Commission instance to Commission parameters
Commission::Commission(int idNum, string lname, string fname):Employee(idNum, lname, fname) {
   this->basesalary = 0;
   this->comAmount = 0;

//Sets Commission instance to Employee plus Commision parameters
Commission::Commission(int idNum, string lname, string fname, double bsal):Employee(idNum, lname, fname) {
   this->comAmount = 0;
   this->basesalary = bsal;


//Sets base salary
void Commission::setBase(double npay) {
   this->basesalary = npay;

//Set commision salary
void Commission::setCom(double nhr) {
   this->comAmount = nhr;

//Get base salary
double Commission::getBase() {
   return basesalary;

//Get commission salary
double Commission::getCom() {
   return comAmount;

//Display base salary and commision salary
void Commission::displayBase() {

   cout << endl << "Name " << this->getLName();
   cout << endl << "ID Num " << this->getIDNum();
   cout << endl << "Base salary " << this->basesalary;

   cout << endl << "------------------------------";


//Display commission employee details
void Commission::displayEmp() {

   cout << endl << "Base salary " << this->basesalary;
   cout << endl << "Commission Amount : " << this->comAmount;

   cout << endl << "------------------------------";


#ifndef Hourly_H   
#define Hourly_H


using namespace std;

class Hourly : public Employee{

   double payperhr;
   double hrsworked;


   Hourly(int idNum, string lname, string fname);
   Hourly(int idNum, string lname, string fname, double newpay);
   void setPay(double);
   void setHrs(double nhr);
   double getPay();
   double getHrs();
   void displayHrly();
   void display();



#include "Hourly.h"

using namespace std;

Hourly::Hourly():Employee() {

   this->payperhr = 0;
   this->hrsworked = 0;

Hourly::Hourly(int idNum, string lname, string fname):Employee(idNum, lname, fname) {

   this->payperhr = 0;
   this->hrsworked = 0;
Hourly::Hourly(int idNum, string lname, string fname, double newpay): Employee(idNum, lname, fname) {
   this->payperhr = newpay;
   this->hrsworked = 0;

void Hourly::setPay(double pphr) {
   this->payperhr = pphr;

void Hourly::setHrs(double nhr) {
   this->hrsworked = nhr;

double Hourly::getPay() {
   return payperhr;

double Hourly::getHrs() {
   return hrsworked;
void Hourly::displayHrly() {

   cout << endl << "Name " << this->getLName();
   cout << endl << "ID Num " << this->getIDNum();
   cout << endl << "Pay per hour " << this->payperhr;
   cout << endl << "------------------------------";
void Hourly::display() {
   cout << endl << "Pay per hour " << this->payperhr;
   cout << endl << "Hours worked : " << this->hrsworked;

   cout << endl << "------------------------------";


Expert Solution

P.S : Updations are done with a comment "///**updation**"

#ifndef Employee_H   
#define Employee_H


using namespace std;

class Employee

   string lastName;
   string firstName;
   int idNum;


   Employee(); //default values assigned to all variables

   Employee(int idNum, string lname, string fname);

   void setLName(string);

   void setFName(string);

   void setIDNum(int);

   string getLName();

   string getFName();

   int getIDNum();

   void displayName();

   virtual void display();                                 ////**updation**

   virtual double weeklyEarning()=0;                                                       



using namespace std;

Employee::Employee() {
   //default values assigned to all variables
   lastName = "";
   firstName = "";
   idNum = 0;

Employee::Employee(int idNum, string lname, string fname) {
   this->lastName = lname;
   this->firstName = fname;
   this->idNum = idNum;
//Sets last name
void Employee::setLName(string lname) {
   this->lastName = lname;
//sets first name
void Employee::setFName(string fname) {
   this->firstName = fname;
//sets id num
void Employee::setIDNum(int idnum) {
   this->idNum = idnum;

//get last name
string Employee::getLName() {
   return lastName;
//get first name  
string Employee::getFName() {
   return firstName;

//get id num
int Employee::getIDNum() {
   return idNum;

//display id and last name
void Employee::displayName() {

   cout << endl << "ID Num : " << this->idNum;
   cout << endl << "Last name : " << this->lastName;

//display idNum,firstName,lastName
 void Employee::display()                          ///**updation**
cout << endl << "ID Number " << this->idNum;
cout << endl << "First name : " << this->firstName;
cout << endl << "Last name : " << this->lastName;


#ifndef Salaried_H   
#define Salaried_H

#include "Employee.h"

using namespace std;

class Salaried : public Employee{


   double weeklySal;


   Salaried(int idNum, string lname, string fname);

   Salaried(int idNum, string lname, string fname, double sal);

   void setSal(double nsal);

   double getSal();

   void displaySal();

   void display();
   double weeklyEarning();                    ///**updation**


#include "Salaried.h"

using namespace std;

Salaried::Salaried():Employee() {
   this->weeklySal = 0;

Salaried::Salaried(int idNum, string lname, string fname) :Employee(idNum, lname, fname) {
   this->weeklySal = 0;

Salaried::Salaried(int idNum, string lname, string fname, double sal) : Employee(idNum, lname, fname) {
   this->weeklySal = sal;

//set salary
void Salaried::setSal(double nsal) {
   this->weeklySal = nsal;


//get salary
double Salaried::getSal() {
   return weeklySal;

//display name, id num, salary
void Salaried::displaySal() {

   cout << endl << "Name " << this->getLName();
   cout << endl << "ID Num " << this->getIDNum();
   cout << endl << "Weekly salary " << this->weeklySal;

   cout << endl << "------------------------------";


//Display employee details
void Salaried::display() {

   cout << endl << "Weekly salary " << this->weeklySal;
   cout << endl << "------------------------------";
//returns weekly earnings
double Salaried:: weeklyEarning()
  return weeklySal;                     ///**updation**

#ifndef Commission_H   
#define Commission_H

#include "Employee.h"

using namespace std;

class Commission : public Employee{

double basesalary;
double comAmount;



Commission(int idNum, string lname, string fname);

Commission(int idNum, string lname, string fname, double bsal);

void setBase(double npay);

void setCom(double nhr);

double getBase();

double getCom();

void displayBase();

void displayEmp();

double weeklyEarning();    ///**updation**


#include "Commission.h"


using namespace std;

//sets Commission instance to default intial values
Commission::Commission():Employee() {

   this->basesalary = 0;
   this->comAmount = 0;

//Sets Commission instance to Commission parameters
Commission::Commission(int idNum, string lname, string fname):Employee(idNum, lname, fname) {
   this->basesalary = 0;
   this->comAmount = 0;

//Sets Commission instance to Employee plus Commision parameters
Commission::Commission(int idNum, string lname, string fname, double bsal):Employee(idNum, lname, fname) {
   this->comAmount = 0;
   this->basesalary = bsal;


//Sets base salary
void Commission::setBase(double npay) {
   this->basesalary = npay;

//Set commision salary
void Commission::setCom(double nhr) {
   this->comAmount = nhr;

//Get base salary
double Commission::getBase() {
   return basesalary;

//Get commission salary
double Commission::getCom() {
   return comAmount;

//Display base salary and commision salary
void Commission::displayBase() {

   cout << endl << "Name " << this->getLName();
   cout << endl << "ID Num " << this->getIDNum();
   cout << endl << "Base salary " << this->basesalary;

   cout << endl << "------------------------------";


//Display commission employee details
void Commission::displayEmp() {

   cout << endl << "Base salary " << this->basesalary;
   cout << endl << "Commission Amount : " << this->comAmount;

   cout << endl << "------------------------------";

//returns weekly earnings
double Commission:: weeklyEarning()
  return basesalary+comAmount; ///**updation**

#ifndef Hourly_H   
#define Hourly_H


using namespace std;

class Hourly : public Employee{

   double payperhr;
   double hrsworked;


   Hourly(int idNum, string lname, string fname);
   Hourly(int idNum, string lname, string fname, double newpay);
   void setPay(double);
   void setHrs(double nhr);
   double getPay();
   double getHrs();
   void displayHrly();
   void display();
   double weeklyEarning();    ///**updation**



#include "Hourly.h"

using namespace std;

Hourly::Hourly():Employee() {

   this->payperhr = 0;
   this->hrsworked = 0;

Hourly::Hourly(int idNum, string lname, string fname):Employee(idNum, lname, fname) {

   this->payperhr = 0;
   this->hrsworked = 0;
Hourly::Hourly(int idNum, string lname, string fname, double newpay): Employee(idNum, lname, fname) {
   this->payperhr = newpay;
   this->hrsworked = 0;

void Hourly::setPay(double pphr) {
   this->payperhr = pphr;

void Hourly::setHrs(double nhr) {
   this->hrsworked = nhr;

double Hourly::getPay() {
   return payperhr;

double Hourly::getHrs() {
   return hrsworked;
void Hourly::displayHrly() {

   cout << endl << "Name " << this->getLName();
   cout << endl << "ID Num " << this->getIDNum();
   cout << endl << "Pay per hour " << this->payperhr;
   cout << endl << "------------------------------";
void Hourly::display() {
   cout << endl << "Pay per hour " << this->payperhr;
   cout << endl << "Hours worked : " << this->hrsworked;

   cout << endl << "------------------------------";

//returns weekly earnings

double Hourly :: weeklyEarning()


return (payperhr*hrsworked); ///**updation**


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