
In: Computer Science

in JAVA PLEASE SHOW OUTPUT! PriorityQueueUserDefinedObjectExample (20) Create an Employee class which implements Comparable<Employee> The constructor...


  1. PriorityQueueUserDefinedObjectExample (20)

Create an Employee class which implements Comparable<Employee>

The constructor consists of an employee’s first name and an employee’s salary, both of which are instance variables.

Create accessor and mutator methods for both of these variables

Write an equals method that returns true if the salaries are equal with one cent and the names are exactly equal

Write a compareTo method that returns 1 if the salary of this employee is greater than the salary of the comparable, -1 if less than and 0 if equal.

Create a class called PriorityQueueUserDefinedObjectExample

Create a Scanner to read from the user input.

Create a Scanner and a PrintWriter to read to a file and output to a different file. (note: You should prompt for the names of these files).

The input file has a single name followed by a 5 or 6 figure salary on each line. (You can use my empsalaries.txt in the homework for Lesson 7)

Create a PriorityQueue

Read in and add each employee to the queue

Use the remove method as you write the employee and salary to the output file from lowest salary to highest.

See sample input file empsalaries.txt and output file priorityemp.txt


James 1000000.42
Oscar 7654321.89
Jose 352109.00
Daniel 98476.22
Juan 452198.70
Sean 221133.55
Ryan 1854123.77


    NAME           SALARY
  Daniel        $ 98476.22
    Sean        $221133.55
    Jose        $352109.00
    Juan        $452198.70
   James        $1000000.42
    Ryan        $1854123.77
   Oscar        $7654321.89


Expert Solution

I have solve the problem in Java code with comments and screenshot for easy understanding :)



public class Employee implements Comparable<Employee> {

   // Instance variables
   private String firstName;
   private double salary;

   * Constructor
   * @param firstName
   * - employee's first name
   * @param salary
   * - employee's salary
   public Employee(String firstName, double salary) {
       this.firstName = firstName;
       this.salary = salary;

   * This method returns the employee's firstName
   public String getFirstName() {
       return firstName;

   * This method returns the employee's salary
   public double getSalary() {
       return salary;

   * This method sets the employee's first name
   * @param firstName
   * - the firstName to set
   public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
       this.firstName = firstName;

   * This method sets the employee's salary
   * @param salary
   * - the salary to set
   public void setSalary(double salary) {
       this.salary = salary;

   * This method returns true if salaries of this and the given Employee are
   * equal with one cent and the names are exactly equal.
   public boolean equals(Object obj) {
       // Check if obj and this refer to the same object
       if (this == obj)
           return true;

       // Check whether obj is null
       if (obj == null)
           return false;

       // Cast obj to Employee
       Employee e = (Employee) obj;
       if ((Math.abs(this.salary - e.salary) <= 0.01) && (this.firstName.equalsIgnoreCase(e.firstName)))
           return true;

       // Default return
       return false;

   public int compareTo(Employee e) {
       // Check if salary of this Employee is greater than Employee e
       if (this.salary > e.salary)
           return 1;
       else if (this.salary < e.salary)
           return -1;
           return 0;


import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class PriorityQueueUserDefinedObjectExample {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
       // Scanner to user input
       Scanner input = new Scanner(;

       // Get input file name
       System.out.print("Enter input file name: ");
       String inputFile = input.nextLine();

       // Get output file name
       System.out.print("Enter output file name: ");
       String outputFile = input.nextLine();

       // Create PriorityQueue
       PriorityQueue<Employee> queue = new PriorityQueue<Employee>();

       // Scanner to read from a file
       try {
           Scanner inFile = new Scanner(new File(inputFile));

           // Read file
               // Read a line of data
               String line = inFile.nextLine().trim();

               // Tokenize line
               String[] data = line.split("\\s+");

               // Create Employee object
               Employee e = new Employee(data[0], Double.parseDouble(data[1]));

               // Add e to queue

           // Close file

           // PrintWriter object for writing to the file
           PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new File(outputFile));

           // Write each Employee object from queue to file
           while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
               // Get Employee at the front of the queue
               Employee e = queue.remove();
               pw.println(String.format("%s $%.2f", e.getFirstName(), e.getSalary()));

           // Close PrintWriter

           // Display message
           System.out.print("\nOutput written to file " + outputFile);
       } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {



console output



----------------PLEASE RATE THE ANSWER-----------THANK YOU!!!!!!!!----------

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