
In: Statistics and Probability

A dairy man thinks that the average weight gain of his cows depends on two factors...

A dairy man thinks that the average weight gain of his cows depends on two factors : the type of grain which they are fed and the type of grass which they are fed. The dairyman has four different types of grain from which to choose and three different types of grass from which to choose. He would like to determine if there is a particular combination of grain and grass which would lead to the greatest weight gain on average for his cows. He randomly selects three one- year-old cows and assigns them to each of the possible combinations of grain and grass. After one year he records the weight gain for each cow with the following results :

Grass A Grass B Grass C
Grain A 175,160,185 225,215,230 250,240,260
Grain B 190,185,195 245,240,255 275,260,285
Grain C 210,220,200 255,245,265 300,310,295
Grain D 225,235,220 275,270,280 350,360,345

Perform the following hypothesis tests at 5 % level of significance. Show all four steps and show complete work. Use P- Value Method. Provide the complete ANOVA TABLE :

Is there a significant interaction between the independent variables (factors) : grass and grain?

b) Is there is a significant difference in average weight gain for the cows among the four different types of grain ?

c) Is there a significant difference in average weight gain for the cows among the three different types of grass?


Expert Solution

The given data are elaborately expressed as

Grain-Grass Grass A Grass B Grass C
Grain A 175 225 250
Grain A 160 215 240
Grain A 185 230 260
Grain B 190 245 275
Grain B 185 240 260
Grain B 195 255 285
Grain C 210 255 300
Grain C 220 245 310
Grain C 200 265 295
Grain D 225 275 350
Grain D 235 270 360
Grain D 220 280 345

Above is the ANOVA-2 way with 3 observations per cell and its analysis is as follws:

Anova: Two-Factor With Replication
SUMMARY Grass A Grass B Grass C Total
Grain A
Count 3 3 3 9
Sum 520 670 750 1940
Average 173.3333 223.3333 250 215.5556
Variance 158.3333 58.33333 100 1215.278
Grain B
Count 3 3 3 9
Sum 570 740 820 2130
Average 190 246.6667 273.3333 236.6667
Variance 25 58.33333 158.3333 1418.75
Grain C
Count 3 3 3 9
Sum 630 765 905 2300
Average 210 255 301.6667 255.5556
Variance 100 100 58.33333 1640.278
Grain D
Count 3 3 3 9
Sum 680 825 1055 2560
Average 226.6667 275 351.6667 284.4444
Variance 58.33333 25 58.33333 3015.278
Count 12 12 12
Sum 2400 3000 3530
Average 200 250 294.1667
Variance 504.5455 418.1818 1635.606
Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Grains 23097.22 3 7699.074 96.4058 1.59E-13 3.008787
Between Grasses 53272.22 2 26636.11 333.5304 3.08E-18 3.402826
Interaction 3127.778 6 521.2963 6.527536 0.000348 2.508189
Within 1916.667 24 79.86111
Total 81413.89 35

(a) step 1

H0(Interaction): There is no significant interaction between Grass and Grain

Ha(Interaction): There is a significant interaction between Grass and Grain

step 2

Calculated F = 6.5275 (See the above last ANOVA-TABLE)

Step 3

p-value of F for 6.5275 with(6, 24) degree of freedom is 0.000348 (See the above last ANOVA-TABLE)

Step 4

Since p value(0.000348) is much less than the 5%(=0.05) significance level, then we reject H0(Interaction) and accept Ha(Interaction) and conclude that  there is a significant interaction between Grass and Grain.

(b) step 1

H0(grains): There is no significant difference in average weight gain for the cows among the four different grains

Ha(grains): There is a significant difference in average weight gain for the cows among the four different grains

step 2

Calculated F = 96.4058(See the above last ANOVA-TABLE)

Step 3

p-value of F for 96.4058 with(3, 24) degree of freedom is 0(See the above last ANOVA-TABLE)

Step 4

Since p value(0) is much less than the 5%(=0.05) significance level, then we reject H0(grains) and accept Ha(grains) and conclude that  there is a significant difference in average weight gain for the cows among the four different grains.

(c) step 1

H0(grasses): There is no significant difference in average weight gain for the cows among the three different grasses

Ha(grains): There is a significant difference in average weight gain for the cows among the three different grasses

step 2

Calculated F = 333.5304(See the above last ANOVA-TABLE)

Step 3

p-value of F for 333.5304 with(2, 24) degree of freedom is 0(See the above last ANOVA-TABLE)

Step 4

Since p value(0) is much less than the 5%(=0.05) significance level, then we reject H0(grasses) and accept Ha(grasses) and conclude that  there is a significant difference in average weight gain for the cows among the three different grasses.

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