
In: Physics

write me all steps ,please. A particle of mass m is in the ground state of...

write me all steps ,please.

  1. A particle of mass m is in the ground state of an infinite potential energy well of width L. The energy of the particle is 2.0 eV

(a) How much energy must be added to the particle to cause it to jump to the first excited state? [ show your solution]

(1) 2.0 eV             (2) 4.0 eV              (3) 6.0 eV                  (4) 8.0 eV

(b) Suppose the particle is in the second excited state (n = 3) from which it can jump to any lower state by emitting a photon whose energy is equal to the difference in the

energies of the two states. Considering all possible jumps that lead eventually to the ground state, which photon energy would NOT be observed? [ show your solution]

(1) 6.0 eV           (2) 10.0 eV                (3) 12.0 eV                     (4) 16.0 eV

(c) What would be the ground-state energy of this particle if the width of the well were changed to 2L? [ show your solution]

(1) 0.5 eV               (2) 1.0 eV                    (3) 2.0 eV                     (4) 4.0 eV


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