In: Nursing
What is the inclusion criteria in the JONA article "Predicting Patient Satisfaction With Nurses' Call Light Responsiveness in 4 US Hospitals? Issue: Volume 40(10), October 2010, pp 440-447
Call light Responsiveness:-
? Patients in post-surgical and medical-surgical unit especially
with pain and unfortable they need help often..Patients are not
knowing about hospital routines and how to get help from nurses in
this patients are using a mechanism in bedside called 'the nurse
call button'..\patient require service and staff is a
responsiveness to patient-initiated call lights is a critical
situation during their hospital stay..
? According to Volume 40, 10:2010 oct page 440-7 says
for women,older patient/family participants; and those who needs
help often answered call lights in person, and their problems were
solved after pushing call lights..
? To reduce the call light frequency hourly nursing rounds to meet
patients needs are evidence-based strategy that reduces the call
lights.In surgical ward 1 hour rounds useful for reduced call light
use and decreased the rate of patients falls by 50% and increased
patient satisfaction also..
? According to health care research the rounder
identified him or her by name and inform them for rounds with
particular shifts.follow this routine measures during the first
? - Assess the patient pain level
? - Check whether pain medication due was completed within the
- Take the patient to toilet
- Be sure the call light was with patient and it is
easy to reach.
-Make the patient in comfortable position..
? -put the side rails
? -Put TV remote,light switch within patients reach.
-Ask them they need any more help
-Inform them that the nursing staff will make the
round again within an hour.
?Dietrick recommands that each hospital develop standards for call
bell response time and communicate these to patients and
? Nurses are the most responsible person to answer
call lights and assist the patient..If call lights from two or more
patients at a time certified nursing assitants,unit
secretaries,patient service assistants,properly trained volunteers
are also responsible for this..
? Many current nurse call systems incorporate.Call lights may be in
nurses meal times,bed times or shift changes..For that nurses
'shift end' rounds an hour before the shift is over is
important..Nursing administrators should regulate all this rules
for nurses and staffs to improve staff's call light