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Nematodes case study

Questions to answer:

What would most likely be the disease and causative agent? Enumerate the common name/s.

The patient is probably having a Entorobiasis or what we call the Pinworm infection. This disease is caused by the parasite Enterobius vermicularis. The common names of this parasite are the Pinworms or the seat worms. Now why is the common name of this parasite is the Pinworms? That is because an adult female pinworm possesses a clear, pointed tail that looks like a pinhead, that is why it is also called the Pinworms. The sizes of the adult female ranges into 7-44 mm length for the male it is 2-44 length. The male is rarely seen.

What laboratory technique is used to collect and identify this parasite?

The laboratory technique used to collect and identify this parasite Is the Cellophane tape preparation. They should get this in the perianal region of the infected patient. In this diagnosis one sample is not enough, the patient should have multiple samples so that the doctors can confirm the presence of the light infection. The stools samples can also be used in collecting the eggs or adult females on rare occasions. Eggs are the most seen in the samples but adult female can also be seen in the sample when they enter the perianal region to lay their eggs.

When is the best time for collection? Explain.

The best time for collection is when the patient just woke up in the morning. That is because during nighttime is the time where in the adult female lay their eggs in the perianal region when the body of the patient is at rest. They exit through the rectum of the patient. That is why when the patient wakes up he/she should first do the cellophane tape preparation before washing of defacated in order to recover the parasites from the patient. This preparation can also help in determining wether you have the eggs of the Taenia species.

What are the sample of choice for this parasite?

There are three simple techniques for the diagnosis of this parasite. The first option is when the patient is asleep you should look for the worms in the perianal region if the patient is asleep for two to three hours already. The second technique is when you the cellophane tape preparation where in you can see the eggs of the parasite is seen in the tape under a microscope. Since itching of the anal is also one of the symptoms of this parasite the third option should be the diagnosis of the fingernails under a microscope. Some infected patients may have contaminated their nails since they tend scratch their butt because of itchiness.

What are the prevention and control for this parasite?

There are so many preventive measure and control for this parasite. First is to of course, to practice proper personal hygiene. You can do this by simply regularly washing your hands. You can control the parasite by applying an ointment to the infected perianal area so that the eggs can be prevented to disperse into the environment. This can also help in the itchiness of the infected area. Also you can prevent and control this parasite by always cleaning your environment just like the linens and you should provide treatment to all the members of the households.


Expert Solution

What would most likely be the disease and causative agent? Enumerate the common name/s.

The patient is most likely diagnosed as Enterobiasis, commonly known as the Pinworm infection. The causative agent of this disease is the parasite "Enterobius Vermicularis". This parasite is commonly called as the Pinworms or the seat worms because of it's particular feature of an adult female pinworm having a clear, pointed tail that appears to be a pin head. The size the adult female varies from the male male as female pinworm is to have 7-44 mm of length and male pinworm to have 2 - 44 mm of length. The female pinworms commonly seen than the male ones.

What laboratory technique is used to collect and identify this parasite?

There are various lab investigations done to rule out the causative organisam and thus to identify the specific parasite. Firstly, Cellophane tape preparation is used in which the specimen sample is collected from the peranal region of the infected patient. But, in order to confirm the cause of the infection and to have a confirmed diagnosis multiple specimen samples have to be collected and investigated. Secondly, the other option of finding out the causative organisam is to identify the presence of the eggs of the adult female pinworms in the stool of the infected patient. Moreover there are also chances where adult female pinworms could be seen along with the eggs in the stool sample as they enter the perianal region for laying eggs.

When is the best time for collection? Explain.

The most appropriate time for the sample collection is in the early morning just after waking up, because the favourable time for the female pinworms to lay their eggs is when the patient is at rest and they exit through the rectum. Thus, it is preferable to collect the perianal sample in the early morning by cellophane tape preparation.  This test could be helpul in detecting the presence of Taenia species as well.

What are the sample of choice for this parasite?

There are mainly three ways of determining  the causative agent. First and foremost, observing the perianal region of the patient being slept for two to three hours. Secondly, collection of sample from perianal region by cellophane tape preparation to detect the parasite under a microscopic observation. This would reveal the presence of the eggs of the parasite in the specimen collected. Thirdly, obeservation of fingernails under a microscope would reveal the presence of parasite. This occurs because, irritation and itching at the anal region is the main symptom by which the patient might have the tendency to itch the area with fingers which reults incontamination of the finger nails with the parasites.

What are the prevention and control for this parasite?

Prevention is better than cure. Hence, it is appropriate to carryout the preventive measures to control the infection. Firstly, maintianing proper personal hygiene. It is the best means to be saved from the infection. Secondly, application of an ointment at the infected perianal region could control the multiplication of the parasite and would prevent spread of the parasite into the surroundings. Applictaion of the antibiotic creams and steriodal ointments can ease the symptom of irritation and itiching at the perianal area. Moreover, it is advisable to keep the fingernails short, washing and cleaning the linen and sleepwears in warm water, Washing the affected area with warm water frequently, avoiding bitting of finger nails, keeping  the house and the surroundings clean. Thus, the infection could be prevented and lessen the spread and severity of the infection. Lastly, along with the patient, those closely related with and had contact with the patient should also be treated to prevent the infection and reinfection.

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