LGBT are the transgender people
In US employing a LGBT individual discrimination varies by
jurisdictions. There is no federal law barring employment
discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender
The following are some of the difficulty faced by LGBT
- Aa is affected
- Defamation is very common
- Sexually harassed some times
- Depression is found in this group of people
Health needs
These people usually avoid medical care thinking as they will be
There are many services offered to this group
- Reduction in disease transmission and progression
- Reduced health care cost for these people
- Increased mental and physical health
- Reduction in disease transmission
- GLBT National help center
- GLBT National youth center
- GLBT Domestic violence project
- Trevor helpline
- Association of lesbian Psychiatrist
- Now a days people approach them in friendly manner
- Many clinics has been opened for their services
- Less services for cancer treatment
- They can land up in obesity ,so this has to be improved
- Prevention of violence and homicide to be taken care