1. What are the three areas of focus in Community
2. What are the four shared components of a community?
3. What is health disparities?
4. What is public health nutrition?
5. What is HP 2020?
6. What is the socioecological model?
7. What are the different types of studies and their
8. How is distribution vs. determinants?
9. What is considered vital statistics?
10. What are the behavior change theories?
11. What are the different ways to collect data for needs
assessment and their characteristics?
12. Describe goal vs. objective.
13. What is a SMART objective?
14. What are the different levels of intervention?
15. What are the different types of evaluation?
16. What is the difference between cost benefit vs. cost
17. What are considered direct vs. indirect cost?
18. What are DRIs?
19. What is the legislative process?
20. What are the entitlement programs?
21. What is lobbying?
22. Which federal agencies are responsible for most nutrition
23. What is the dietary guidelines and how often does it get
24. What is the New Dietary Guidance System
25. What are the Medicare coverage? A, B, C, D
26. How is HMO compared to PPO?
27. What is food insecurity?
28. Cause of food insecurity?
29. What is SNAP?
30. What is Infant mortality rate?
31. How is failure to thrive diagnosed?
32. What is the income eligibility for the WIC program?
33. What are the criteria to qualify for WIC?
34. What is the program designed for special needs children
between 0-3 year old?
35. What is the definition of childhood obesity?
36. What are the health effects of childhood obesity?
37. What is the most common chronic disease in children?
38. Who are the baby boomers?
39. Older American Act funds which program?
40. Meals on Wheels and Congregate meals are funded by which
41. What activities are considered ADL?
42. What are instructional objectives/learning outcome?
43. Give an example of a learning outcome for lesson
44. “Cone of learning”
45. Formative vs. summative evaluation
46. Give an example of a summative evaluation
47. What is a situation analysis? SWOT stands for
48. What is social marketing?
49. What are the 4 Ps in marketing?
50. What are the different ways for market segmentation?