
In: Statistics and Probability

Select two data sets and decide which hypothesis testing discussed in class should be used and...

Select two data sets and decide which hypothesis testing discussed in class should be used and matched with your data set. Construct a 99% confidence interval for a mean difference and Test at a 1% significance level. Use both the P-value and the critical-value approaches to make this test and interpret your results. If you cannot reject the null hypothesis, please adjust to 5% or 10% significance level.

East Asia and Pacific Europe and Central Asia Difference
9.67104 7.51427 2.15677
7.58733 7.15481 .43252
5.37422 6.64138 -1.26716
5.14952 7.23006 -2.08054
4.78177 6.59366 -1.81189
4.81419 5.52866 -7.1447
4.84156 3.70016 1.1414
4.73152 3.48066 1.25086
4.81446 4.71345 .10101








Expert Solution

Ho :   µ1 - µ2 =   0                  
Ha :   µ1-µ2 ╪   0                  
Level of Significance ,    α =    0.05                  
Sample #1   ---->   East Asia and Pacific                
mean of sample 1,    x̅1=   5.59                  
standard deviation of sample 1,   s1 =    1.60                  
size of sample 1,    n1=   11                  
Sample #2   ---->      Europe and Central Asia    
mean of sample 2,    x̅2=   5.68                  
standard deviation of sample 2,   s2 =    1.43                  
size of sample 2,    n2=   11                  
difference in sample means =    x̅1-x̅2 =    5.5886   -   5.7   =   -0.09  
pooled std dev , Sp=   √([(n1 - 1)s1² + (n2 - 1)s2²]/(n1+n2-2)) =    1.5207                  
std error , SE =    Sp*√(1/n1+1/n2) =    0.6484                  
t-statistic = ((x̅1-x̅2)-µd)/SE = (   -0.0900   -   0   ) /    0.65   =   -0.139
Degree of freedom, DF=   n1+n2-2 =    20                  
t-critical value , t* =        2.0860   (excel formula =t.inv(α/2,df)              
Decision:   | t-stat | < | critical value |, so, Do not Reject Ho             

p-value =        0.891004   (excel function: =T.DIST.2T(t stat,df) )              
Conclusion:     p-value>α , Do not reject null hypothesis                      


Degree of freedom, DF=   n1+n2-2 =    20              
t-critical value =    t α/2 =    2.8453   (excel formula =t.inv(α/2,df)          
pooled std dev , Sp=   √([(n1 - 1)s1² + (n2 - 1)s2²]/(n1+n2-2)) =    1.5207              
std error , SE =    Sp*√(1/n1+1/n2) =    0.6484              
margin of error, E = t*SE =    2.8453   *   0.6484   =   1.8449  
difference of means =    x̅1-x̅2 =    5.5886   -   5.679   =   -0.0900
confidence interval is                       
Interval Lower Limit=   (x̅1-x̅2) - E =    -0.0900   -   1.8449   =   -1.9349
Interval Upper Limit=   (x̅1-x̅2) + E =    -0.0900   +   1.8449   =   1.7549


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