In: Operations Management
Identify an advertisement that uses each of the following executional frameworks. Evaluate the advertisement in terms of how well it is executed. Also, did the appeal and message strategy fit well with the execution? Was the ad memorable? What made it memorable?
A. Storytelling
Storytelling only thx
Marketing Communications
A simple example of an advertisement in terms of how well it is executed is of "MAGGI" .Not only the advertisement is compelling but also the message or it's USP (Unique Selling Proportion) is also clear,Maggie"two minutes noodles".This was the most appealing advertisement by Maggie which not only convinced the children but the students,office going people,elders and especially women.Now why women because they are the one who bought or make decision regarding the food habits of the family and when you are able to convince women of a family means you are able to convert the whole family into probable customer.
Maggi has always come up with innovative ads and innovative products.Right from it's launch maggie has evolved itself as a brand.People know Maggi not Nestle.The positioning is being done with so much grace and potential that maggie is considered to be noodles in the perception or minds of the people.Maggi with it's ad always adding something new.The beggining was introduction then they targeted children then the ad came to target young and office going individuals ,then they come up with "Moms ad" to cater the biggest segment then it eveolved as hostel food,bachelors food,working womens food.So this is how Maggie has eveolved itself with time and all these can be seen through their advertisements.They come up with ads focusing on nutritional value such as daily iron requirement of 15% can be achieved if you eat maggie.
Ads are so well executed that they strike on the segment they want to target.Story telling is very simple in their advertisement with a clear communication it appealed to every section of the society whether rural or urban. Calcium, Iron and Sodium mixed in perfect balance in the carbohydrate-rich Maggi products makes sure that irrespective of the fact that it takes no time to prepare but the product is wholesome and available at low cost.