In: Psychology
Social Distribution of Health and Illness: Race and Ethnicity After watching Williams’ Ted Talk: What was their main point(s)? What evidence did they mention to help support these main point(s)? What are your reactions to their talk? After watching Roberts’ Ted Talk: What is race-based medicine, according to Roberts’ talk? What is the problem with race-based medicine? What evidence did they mention to help support these main point(s)? What are your reactions to their talk? Last week you thought about how gender was a social construction, yet we still have inequalities within health by gender. Parallel to this, race is also a social construction. Race is often thought as having biological reasons for racial classifications. However, there is no research to support this. Sociologists and social scientists have researched and recognized a long history of trying to organize people based on skin color and physical appearance. However, this changes over time and meanings can vary depending on country and culture. Given race is also a social construct, answer the following: Do you believe we should be categorizing people in healthcare by race? What are the benefits and potential (intended or unintended) consequences of categorizing people (such as patients) by race in health? After reading Kasana’s article on Serena Williams: How did racism affect Serena Williams’ birth experience? What are your reactions after reading this article? Unfortunately, racism toward women of color is common and affects both pregnancies and giving birth. What are some solutions that a health care facility (hospital, community health center, etc.) and/or provider could implement? Do you trust your doctor to listen to you and take you seriously? How does your race and experiences with racism (or lack of) affect your answer? For this section of discussion, you will educate your peers on both the physical and mental health disparities for a racial or ethnic minority group. You may choose only one group to focus on. Please address the following: Which group you researched The physical health disparities and inequalities that affect this group The mental health disparities and inequalities that affect this group How does racism and/or ethnocentrism help influence these health outcomes for this group? Were you aware of these health disparities before doing this research?
The race is a social construction and there has been much speculation regarding race throughout the history and we know the violence race has contributed to. Nobody has ever gotten over the Holocaust. Because of this race is portrayed as a social creation without having any biology attach to it. Because there has been discrimination on the basis of race from a very long time. But that notion comes from the fact that one race is regarded as superior to other race. Of course, we know every race is different just as men and women are different from each other. The problem does not come from the difference, the problem comes from the fact that one is regarded as the superior to the other. The same case is with the race as well. Black people suffered because they were regarded as the inferior race so entitled to do labour related work only and that led to exclusion. Women are regarded as physically weak and that's why the notion of protecting women started and that led to domination. But despite everything we know there is difference a man's body is different from a woman's body and a body of black people is different from the body of a white person those are anthropologically correct. So there might be health problems which are attributed towards an only black race or not white race. That might be obvious or not a quite surprising theory. We should see things from an objective notion or may apply the veil of ignorance states where we don't belong to any group in society. Health is a subject which is worth looking at from this notion.