
In: Nursing

Describe the role of social and community factors, including race/ethnicity and culture, in both the onset...

Describe the role of social and community factors, including race/ethnicity and culture, in both the onset and solution of community health problems


Expert Solution

Role of Social and Community Factors:

  • The range of social inequality within the society is a greater determinant of death rates mainly due to infectious disease.
  • Some geographical areas are more prone to high health risks.
  • Poverty increases the possibility of chronic illness due to poor nutrition.
  • Discrimination results in poor health outcomes.
  • Unemployment increases the issues such as Physical illness, domestic violence, depression, and substance abuse.
  • Uneducated are more prone to chronic disease than well-educated people.
  • Health outcomes are based on race and ethnicity such as poor access to the healthcare and lack of other services.
  • Different culture factors may have profound health problems due to food differences and other religious issues.
  • Health politics and policies may discriminate health services from one group to another group.
  • Physical Environment and Living condition have greater health effects in the community.
  • Uneven distribution of health resources to the people.
  • Black people have poor health outcome compared to the whites.


  • Health disparities can be eliminated by easy access to health services and availability of resources to all people irrespective of race, gender, ethnicity.
  • Social equality will lead to better health and well-being.
  • Educate about the health practices and importance of nutritious diet.
  • Make good physical and environmental condition.

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