In: Psychology
Pick three folktales that you find particularly interesting.
What can you learn about the values of the culture and the time from theses tales?
What kind of heroes and/or heroines are represented in these stories?
ANS A) As per the question the three folk tales I find very interesting are 1) The pied Piper 2) The Goldilocks & theThree Bears. 3) Jack & the Bean stalk these folk tales are famous world wide since years to remember.
ANS 2) Folk Tales are the traditional story or legend that's common to a specific culture and often passed along orally . These often contain a lesson to be learned, & have many forms, like fables, tall tales, and even ghost stories
Description.of story elements & quality characteristics. Traditional folk tales were the oral tradition of adults Thestorie.about peoples' lives and imaginations as they struggled with their fears and anxieties by telling tales. Probably helped them to better be able to struggle with them in real life.
Folktales help children to develop strong reading skills, study other cultures, model positive character traits, & discover a love of stories
Our collection of folktales was developed to immerse children in timeless stories and help them discover a love of reading. These highly engaging stories represent a range of diverse story traditions. As Margaret Read MacDonald writes, “A folktale is a story that has been passed from person to person.” Margaret also cites there are many forms and genres of folktales which include
1) Animal Stories 2) Epics 3) Fables 4) Fairy tales 5) Legends 6) Myths & 7) Urban Legands.
Folktales are passed down through the tradition. As a result, folktales make it easier for children to differentiate characters, follow a plotline or recall a sequence of events. Working with folktales can help children to develop the reading skills of phonics, fluency, vocabulary & comprehensions which are needed to meet the requirements Standards for Reading, these classic stories are not only highly entertaining, they also play an important role in passing along core values or character traits. Folktales were often employed to share a common history, to reinforce cultural values or highlight important traditions.
Folktales by their nature celebrate diversity. By reading or viewing stories from different cultures, children discover valuable insights about another culture’s values, beliefs, history, practices & customs. When children learn about diverse cultural traditions, they broaden their view of the world, & also develop a greater appreciation of their own family’s heritage. Folktales can be said that they are the learning tools for the children . Children develop 1) Stronger reading skills 2) study others culture 3) Model character traits 4) Appreciate & give value to other traditions 5) Learn to take decision 6) Explore new ideas & innovations ,to have a vision of the world culture .
India has a diversity of traditions & cultures from each of their states ,Many world delegates do visit India for for the values of cultures.
All these time less stories share a common feature : they are still preserved & can be shared again& again with the new generations & the comming generations.
ANS 3) Children look for the art depicting military heros, religious , political & every day heros & heroines , discuss their lives & the effects of their deeds.