What is the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)?
Why was it passed into law? How does it affect the IT part of an
organization? (150+ words, please)
During the Eisenhower presidency, the Interstate Highway Act was
justified as a military defensive measure. What were the long-term
ramifications of this Act (think of the environment, the economy,
transportation, demographics)? Was this a good or bad law? Discuss
and defend
Explain why there are differences in the kinds of support
supervisors, coworkers, friends, and family members can provide.
Describe those types of support, give examples of each, and explain
why differences exist in the kinds of support each of the people
mentioned above can provide.
What is the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)?
What, if any, limitations exist within the FMLA that could
cause an employee NOT to use the Act for an absence from work?
If applicable, how did recent legislation with regard to
same-sex marriage garner attention for the FMLA and its
1. What are some of the inadequacies of the Family Medical
Leave Act (FMLA)? What bias does the federal government
indicate in supporting the Family Preservation concept?
How well does the FMLA serve non-traditional families? Why does the
Social Work profession reject the act of serving non-traditional
families differently?
What is the Family and Medical Leave Act and what does
it require?
Can your employer dock your pay if you are required to
serve jury duty?
What is the benefit to the employer in having a written
progressive discipline policy? What are the potential problems with
Under the employment-at-will doctrine, can your employer
terminate you for your political beliefs? Do your First Amendment
rights to free speech apply to a private employer?