In: Computer Science
There are different types of software testing techniques as described below. Each has its own benefits.
-Black box testing: based on functional requirements.
-White box testing: ensure that all statements and conditions have been executed at least once
Explain the following testing techniques and justify that "black box software testing is not an alternative to white box software testing"?
Please help with this question and explain in your own words to avoid plagiarism. Thanks.
Black box and white box are the two main important testing techniques in software engineering.
Black Box testing is an external testing. Here the tester is not aware about the internal working of the software or the design of the software. Instead of it, only behaviour of the software is testing here.No programming knowledge or implementation details are needed for the tester here.In this, the tester will check to see that the software is functioning properly.
But in the case of whitebox testing,it is not the case.Here the tester must be aware about the design,internal configurations and implementation details of the software.The programming knowledge also is an essential one here for the testing purpose.
If the problem is with the design or with the implementation, black box testing is not the suitable technique to realize the fault.So we can't replace white box testing with black box testing.Logical errors,typographical errors,syntax checking etc canot be done with black box.
For example, in our real life if you wish to see that your computer is working, you just switch on it and verifies that it is working or not.But if the machine is too slow, and you wish to find out the reason some internal knowledge you have to require.This is the difference with black and white box.
As the name implies,in white box it is see can see all the internal details.But in black box, there is always a darker side.