Write about a
psychological disorder that you found interesting and why, what did
you learn about...
Write about a
psychological disorder that you found interesting and why, what did
you learn about the disorder and cause of it, and whether you think
people have misconceptions regarding the disorder.
2. for discussion, write a paragraph about something
you found interesting in the program that you will keep in mind for
your heart failure clients (remember MAWDS!). one posting only for
this discussion
List at least three things you found most interesting about
interpersonal communication, explaining why you found them
Explain at least two things from the chapter you think will help
you in your interpersonal relationships and how you think they will
be useful.
Finally, describe what you consider to be your most common
conflict management strategies and whether you would prefer to use
a different strategy in the future. Give specific examples.
"Big Business of Healthcare and You"
discuss what you found interesting about that part of the
reading and why. How will this learning affect your work in health
Pick three folktales that you find particularly interesting.
What can you learn about the values of the culture and the time
from theses tales?
What kind of heroes and/or heroines are represented in these
What did you learn or re-learn about revision this week from
the text or any learning activities? What areas of your writing do
you feel are strengths? Which areas could use some
How will you integrate these ideas into the next steps you will
take to complete or refine your paper?
What did you learn about yourself? What stressors and or “hassles “
do you recognize in your life? What measures can you take in order
to lower your stress and optimize your health and well-being? How
will this enable you to become a more productive student. Do you
see a mind, body, soul connection?