
In: Nursing

What can you learn about the Health and Illness in the Philippines or for Filipinos?

What can you learn about the Health and Illness in the Philippines or for Filipinos?


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Health and illness in the Philippines

Health in the Philippines

health is affected in the philipines and health care  services mainly focuses on the maternal and child health and government has taken account regarding the success of the health programs in the country. Life expectancy for Philippines approximately 71years. The decrease in mortality rate is reduced when it compared to 1960.

Health belief and cultural behavior of Philippines

· People tend to believe in faith of god and depend upon the family, friend and to cope with any illness

· Health care on patient care are influenced by the family decision

· They tend depend on family member, friend, counselor

World health organization has created some of strategies for Philippines people

· It focus on save life of people

· It improves well being of the people by means of following health life style

· It protect health of the people by means of expecting and relieving in cases of disaster

· It improves health architecture in order to attain universal health care

· It becomes basis for health by means of supporting health in all levels

Challenges of Health care services:

· The people from certain communities are suffer from lack of access to health care services due to disparity in health care

· Some communities are not getting adequate financial services as a result of disproportional of financial services.

· Most of people are spending out for pocket in case of treatment at private hospital

· Most community has not obtaining care in the hospital because of unsuitable insurance services

· Central government has changed its authority to local government. It become burden to local government and communities

Illness in the Philippines:

· People of Philippines has been suffering   from communicable and non- communicable disease

· Diabetes mellitus, heart disease, stroke, cancer, and long term illness are prevalent in the Philippines. Chicken pox, cholera, dengue, diarrhea, leprosy, malaria, measles, pertussis, poliomyelitis , rabies, severe acute respirator y syndrome, influenza, bird flu, typhoid, tuberculosis, , hepatitis, HIV are the communicable disease in the Philippines

· ,mental health problems are prevalent and third most common disability and it is identified by means of diagnosis, treatment of disease

Factors for health problems

   Air, water, soil contamination and chemical pollution, atmospheric change and ultraviolet radiation exposure are the major reasons for the most of the disease and Philippines suffer from triple burden of disease as a result of communicable and non communicable disease. In order to address these problem, world health organization, main importance are given to water sanitation, food safety, good quality care, good working environment, environmental change, climate change.

Health care services in the Philippines:

Health care services for the people are varied and most of the services are provided by the private care institute even though services are provided by the private, public, barangay center. The health care services are fragmented one and disparities of health care services are prevalent in the Philippines because of lack of budget, manpower.

Health care communication systems:

   Health care communication systems is being in Philippines is management information system which gather and recover information as being by collected by the Philippines and has vital statics, health programs morbidity, mortality of disease regarding the Philippine

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