
In: Computer Science

For My Programming Lab - Java: Write a Temperature class that will hold a temperature in...

For My Programming Lab - Java:

Write a Temperature class that will hold a temperature in Fahrenheit and provide methods to get the temperature in Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin. The class should have the
following field:

• ftemp: a double that holds a Fahrenheit temperature.

The class should have the following methods :

• Constructor : The constructor accepts a Fahrenheit temperature (as a double ) and stores it in the ftemp field.
• setFahrenheit: The set Fahrenheit method accepts a Fahrenheit temperature (as a double ) and stores it in the ftemp field.
• getFahrenheit: Returns the value of the ftemp field as a Fahrenheit temperature (no conversion required)
• getCelsius: Returns the value of the ftemp field converted to Celsius. Use the following formula to convert to Celsius:
Celsius = (5/9) * (Fahrenheit - 32)
• getKelvin: Returns the value of the ftemp field converted to Kelvin. Use the following formula to convert to Kelvin:
Kelvin = ((5/9) * (Fahrenheit - 32)) + 273

Demonstrate the Temperature class by writing a separate program that asks the user for a
Fahrenheit temperature. The program should create an instance of the Temperature class ,
with the value entered by the user passed to the constructor . The program should then
call the object 's methods to display the temperature in the following format (for example,
if the temperature in Fahrenheit was -40):

The temperature in Fahrenheit is -40.0
The temperature in Celsius is -40.0
The temperature in Kelvin is 233.0


Expert Solution

import java.util.*;

class Temperature
    private double ftemp;
    public Temperature(double ftemp) //constructor
        this.ftemp = ftemp;
    public void setFahrenheit(double ftemp) //set Fahrenheit Temperature
        this.ftemp = ftemp;
    public double getFahrenheit() //get temperature in Fahrenheit
     return ftemp;
    public double getCelsius() //get temperature in Celsius
     double ctemp = (5.0/9.0) * (ftemp - 32.0);
     return ctemp;
    public double getKelvin() //get temperature in Kelvin
        double ktemp = ((5.0/9.0) * (ftemp - 32.0)) + 273.0;
        return ktemp;
class Test
   public static void main (String[] args)
      Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
      System.out.println("Enter temperature in Fahrenheit : ");
      double ftemp = scan.nextDouble(); //input temperature in Fahrenheit
      Temperature t = new Temperature(ftemp);
      //display temperature in different units
        System.out.println("The temperature in Fahrenheit is "+t.getFahrenheit());
        System.out.println("The temperature in Celsius is "+t.getCelsius());
        System.out.println("The temperature in Kelvin is "+t.getKelvin());


Enter temperature in Fahrenheit : -40

The temperature in Fahrenheit is -40.0
The temperature in Celsius is -40.0
The temperature in Kelvin is 233.0

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