
In: Computer Science

PLEASE READ CAREFULLY!!!! write a and file for tic-tac-toe IN PYTHON with the following...


write a and file for tic-tac-toe IN PYTHON with the following restrictions (SO WRITE TWO FILES THAT PLAY PYTHON THROUGH A SOCKET)

Use a 5 x 5 grid (dimensions are subject to change, so use constants for NUM_ROWS and NUM_COLS)

Use 'X' for player 1 and 'O' for player 2 (symbols and the number of players is subject to change, so use constants)

Each player can make 1 move per turn before having to wait for the next player to move. If an illegal move is made, an
error message is sent to the player by the server and the player loses the current turn



Expert Solution

Here is tic-tac-toe in python, please hit that like button or thumbs-up, it really motivates me>3

import socket
import threading
from tkinter import *
import Pmw
class TicTacToeClient(Frame, threading.Thread ):
   def __init__(self):
      threading.Thread.__init__( self )
      # make GUI
      Frame.__init__( self )
      self.pack( expand = YES, fill = BOTH )
      self.master.title( "Tic-Tac-Toe Client" )
      self.master.geometry( "250x325" ) = Label( self, anchor = W ) columnspan = 3, sticky = W+E+N+S )
      self.board = []
      # create and add all buttons to the board
      for i in range(9):
         newButton = Button( self, font = "Courier 20 bold",
            height = 1, width = 1, relief = GROOVE,
            name = str( i ) )
         newButton.bind( "<Button-1>", self.sendClickedSquare )
         self.board.append( newButton )
      current = 0
      # display buttons in 3x3 grid beginning with grid's row one
      for i in range( 1, 4 ):
         for j in range( 3 ):
            self.board[ current ].grid( row = i, column = j,
               sticky = W+E+N+S )
            current += 1
      # area for server messages
      self.display = Pmw.ScrolledText( self, text_height = 10,
         text_width = 35, vscrollmode = "static" )
      self.display.grid( row = 4, columnspan = 3 )
      self.start()   # run thread
   def run( self ):
      """Control thread to allow continuous updated display"""
      # setup connection to server
      HOST = ""
      PORT = 5000
      self.connection = socket.socket( socket.AF_INET,
         socket.SOCK_STREAM )
      self.connection.connect( ( HOST, PORT ) )
      self.myMark = self.connection.recv( 1 ).decode('ascii') text = 'You are player "%s"' % self.myMark )
      self.myTurn = 0
      # receive messages sent to client
      while 1:
         #message = self.connection.recv( 34 ).decode('ascii')
         length = int(self.connection.recv(2).decode('ascii'))
         message = self.connection.recv(length).decode('ascii')
         if not message:
         self.processMessage( message )
      self.display.insert( END, "Game over.\n" )
      self.display.insert( END, "Connection closed.\n" )
      self.display.yview( END )
   def processMessage( self, message ):
      """Interpret server message to perform necessary actions"""
      # valid move occurred
      if message == "Valid move.":
         self.display.insert( END, "Valid move, please wait.\n" )
         self.display.yview( END )
         # set mark
         self.board[ self.currentSquare ].config(
            text = self.myMark, bg = "white" )
      # invalid move occurred
      elif message == "Invalid move, try again.":
         self.display.insert( END, message + "\n" )
         self.display.yview( END )
         self.myTurn = 1
      # opponent moved
      elif message == "Opponent moved.":
         # get move location
         location = int( self.connection.recv( 1 ).decode('ascii') )
         # update board
         if self.myMark == "X":
            self.board[ location ].config( text = "O",
               bg = "gray" )
            self.board[ location ].config( text = "X",
               bg = "gray" )
         self.display.insert( END, message + " Your turn.\n" )
         self.display.yview( END )
         self.myTurn = 1
      # other player's turn
      elif message == "Other player connected. Your move.":
         self.display.insert( END, message + "\n" )
         self.display.yview( END )
         self.myTurn = 1
      # simply display message
         self.display.insert( END, message + "\n" )
         self.display.yview( END )
   def sendClickedSquare( self, event ):
      """Send attempted move to server"""
      if self.myTurn:
         name = event.widget.winfo_name()
         self.currentSquare = int( name )
         print(name, type(name))
         # send location to server
         self.connection.send( name.encode('ascii') )
         self.myTurn = 0
def main():
if __name__ == "__main__":

import socket
import threading
class Player( threading.Thread ):
   def __init__( self, connection, server, number ):
      """Initialize thread and setup variables"""
      threading.Thread.__init__( self )
      # specify player's mark
      if number == 0:
         self.mark = "X"
         self.mark = "O"
      self.connection = connection
      self.server = server
      self.number = number
   def otherPlayerMoved( self, location ):
      self.connection.send( "15Opponent moved.".encode('ascii') )
      self.connection.send( str( location ).encode('ascii') )
   def run( self ):
      """Play the game"""
      # send client message indicating its mark (X or O)
      self.server.display( "Player %s connected." % self.mark )
      self.connection.send( self.mark.encode('ascii') )
      # wait for another player to arrive
      if self.mark == "X":
         self.connection.send( "29Waiting for another player...".encode('ascii') )
            "34Other player connected. Your move.".encode('ascii') )
         self.server.gameBeginEvent.wait()   # wait for server
         self.connection.send( "25Waiting for first move...".encode('ascii') )
      # play game until over
      while not self.server.gameOver():
         # get more location from client
         location = self.connection.recv(1).decode('ascii')
         if not location:
         # check for valid move
         if self.server.validMove( int( location ), self.number ):
            self.server.display( "loc: " + location )
            self.connection.send( "11Valid move.".encode('ascii') )
            self.connection.send( "24Invalid move, try again.".encode('ascii') )
      # close connection to client
      self.server.display( "Game over." )
      self.server.display( "Connection closed." )
class TicTacToeServer:
   """Server that maintains a game of Tic-Tac-Toe for two clients"""
   def __init__( self ):
      """Initialize variables and setup server"""
      HOST = ""
      PORT = 5000
      self.board = []
      self.currentPlayer = 0
      self.turnCondition = threading.Condition()
      self.gameBeginEvent = threading.Event()
      for i in range( 9 ):
         self.board.append( None )
      # setup server socket
      self.server = socket.socket( socket.AF_INET,
         socket.SOCK_STREAM )
      self.server.bind( ( HOST, PORT ) )
      self.display( "Server awaiting connections..." )
   def execute( self ):
      """Play the game--create and start both Player threads"""
      self.players = []
      # wait for and accept two client connections
      for i in range( 2 ):
         self.server.listen( 2 )
         connection, address = self.server.accept()
         # assign each client to a Player thread
         self.players.append( Player( connection, self, i ) )
         self.players[ -1 ].start()
      self.server.close()   # no more connections to wait for
      # players are suspended until player O connects
      # resume players now
   def display( self, message ):
      """Display a message on the server"""
      print (message)
   def validMove( self, location, player ):
      """Determine if a move is valid--if so, make move"""
      # only one move can be made at a time
      # while not current player, must wait for turn
      while player != self.currentPlayer:
      # make move if location is not occupied
      if not self.isOccupied( location ):
         # set move on board
         if self.currentPlayer == 0:
            self.board[ location ] = "X"
            self.board[ location ] = "O"
         # change current player
         self.currentPlayer = ( self.currentPlayer + 1 ) % 2
         self.players[ self.currentPlayer ].otherPlayerMoved(
            location )
         # tell waiting player to continue
         # valid move
         return 1
      # invalid move
         return 0
   def isOccupied( self, location ):
      """Determine if a space is occupied"""
      return self.board[ location ]   # an empty space is None
   def gameOver( self ):
      """Determine if the game is over"""
      # place code here testing for a game winner
      # left as an exercise for the reader
      return 0
def main():
if __name__ == "__main__":

I tried my best to include necessary comments in code to understand what's happening in program.

Again,Please do not forget to hit that like button>3(It will take only 1-2 seconds)

Thank you!!

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