
In: Computer Science

PYTHON (Game: Tic-tac-toe): Write a program that plays the tic-tac-toe game. Two players take turns clicking...


(Game: Tic-tac-toe): Write a program that plays the tic-tac-toe game. Two players take turns clicking an available cell in a 3 x 3 grid with their respective tokens (either X or O). When one player has placed three tokens in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row on the grid, the game is over and that player has won. A draw (no winner) occurs when all the cells in the grid have been filled with tokens and neither player has achieved a win.


Expert Solution

def print_board(board):

print “The board look like this:\n”

                for i in range(3):

                                print “ “,

                             for j in range(3):

                                              if board[i*3+j]==1:

                                                         print ‘X’,

                                           elif board[i*3+j]==0:

                                                        print ‘O’,

elif board[i*3+j] != -1:

print board[i*3+j]-1,


print ' ',

if j != 2:

print " | ",


if i != 2:

print "----------------"



def print_instruction():


def get_input(turn):

valid = False

while not valid:


user = raw_input("where would you like to place" + turn +" (1-9)? ")

user = int(user)

if user >=1 and user <= 9:

return user-1


print "That is not a valid move! Please try again \n"


except Exception as e:   

print user + " is not a valid move! Please try again \n"

def check_win(board):

win_cond = ((1,2,3),(4,5,6),(7,8,9),(1,4,7),(2,5,8),(3,6,9),(1,5,9),(3,5,7))   

for each in win_cond:


if board[each[0]-1] == board[each[1]-1] and board[each[1]-1] == board[each[2]-1]:



return -1

def quit_game(board,msg):


print msg


def main():

# Start Game

# Change turns

# Checks for winner

# Quits and redo board


board = []

for i in range(9):


win = False

move = 0

while not win:

# Print board


print "Turn number" + str(move+1)

if move %2 == 0:

turn = 'X'


turn = 'O'

# Get player input

user = get_input(turn)

while board[user] != -1:

print "Invalid move! Cell already taken. Please try again \n"

user = get_input(turn)

board[user] = 1 if turn == 'X' else 0

# Continue move and check if end of game

move += 1

if move > 4:   

winner = check_win(board)

if winner != -1:

out = "The winner is"

out += "X" if winner == 1 else "O"

out += ""


elif move == 9:

quit_game(board,"No winner")



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