
In: Statistics and Probability

The W.I.S.E approach is thinking and organized. systematic method of sorting three aspect of thinking. Discussed...

The W.I.S.E approach is thinking and organized. systematic method of sorting three aspect of thinking. Discussed the W.IS.E approach


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In relationships, disagreement are normal and healthy. They allow us to open our minds to new ways of thinking. In business, brainstorming is a common practice whereby team members contribute every possible idea relating to the project they are collaborating on. Even those suggestions that are deemed unworkable still have value as they oftentimes spark a fresh idea that actually proves to be helpful. In politics, when applied correctly, the opposing sides can actually use their differences to find common ground that will serve the good of the entire country. It’s only when egos get in the way causing people to become fearful, selfish, and closed minded do disagreements cause tempers to flare and a breakdown in the negotiating process to occur.However, there is a very W.I.S.E approach to resolving conflicts and disagreements with a high degree of success and minimal disappointment to all parties:

W -wait : wait before you respond. A moment of pause can prevent a lifetime of regret. When the other party presents their position, if it differs from ours or what we were expecting, we can easily become upset or angry. An immediate response can cause an innocent situation to rapidly escalate into an argument.

I-intellect: use your rational brain to think about what is transpiring: the importance of the issue, what each party wants, how each person feels, and what it is that you each want to accomplish with the discussion. Oftentimes, we allow our irrational emotions to control our actions and comments. But emotions cloud rational judgment. It is critical that we remain calm so that our intellectual brain can gather all relevant data, process it, and determine the best possible course of action. Just as emergency responders need to put their feelings on hold in order to deal effectively with the crisis at hand, so must we be willing to do the same. And in doing so, we will make smarter more solution-oriented and all-inclusive choices that benefit all parties.

S -see and smile: Always try to see things from the perspective of the other party. In this way, you are better able to understand their position and proceed in a more compassionate manner. It is imperative that we truly try to understand where the other person is coming from even if we don’t agree with their way of thinking. All people need and want to be understood and validated. This simple gesture begins laying a foundation of trust that enables both parties to move forward in a fair and timely manner towards a mutually agreed upon solution.

Smile: Did you know that the simple act of smiling releases endorphins in the brain, those feel-good chemicals that enable us to keep a positive attitude? A smile keeps your face friendly and your voice cheerful as well. While this may not sound like a significant gesture, it is, in fact, a powerful one. Would you not prefer to converse with someone who had a friendly face as opposed to one sporting a scowl.Smiles are contagious and make us appear more attractive to others. They can lift our mood as well as the moods of those around us and have been shown to lengthen our lives as well. A smile wards off stress which in turn enables us to remain calm and focused. Our bodies relax making us less threatening and more welcoming from a physical perspective. All things considered, a smile is one of the most powerful tools we have in maintaining healthy inviting relationships and getting those differences resolved peacefully.

E -expression: Throughout the entire process, be certain to always express with respect – speak to one another with dignity and reverence at all times. Even those we don’t care for, who can be obstinate or rude, deserve respect. Ironically, many believe that respect must be earned or given to us before we are willing to reciprocate. However, Divine Law dictates otherwise. “Let all that you do be done in love.” “Love one another.” By our very nature, we are perfect beings deserving of respect. The very word respect means “to value”. Our Creator imparted equal worth to each of His sacred children.

One can be passionate, upset, angry, disappointed, or disagree with the other person while still expressing .

Somtimes Meaning of the W.I.S.E approach can also understand in following steps

W -Wonder




This is an approach created for critical thinking. The first step in becoming a critical think is to know the principles, habits, and skills of thinking. There are numerous strategies that you can practice improving your critical thinking skills.

The W.I.S.E approach is a strategy that can be used in every field of study. It uses the reflective, creative, and critical thinking approaches.Wonder about your past experience and present experiences. What challenges and problem you experienced. Which ones are important and which one/s you can ignore. You will always have experiences when you are occupied with. You will always wonder and reflect on the path you are taking Investigate what it takes to approach and defeat your challenges. When you investigate you build an understanding of your problems and issues. Identify ways to deal with your challenges, problems and issues in a positive way by speculating and finding the right approach.Once you find a few approaches you want to take evaluate them and see which one will work or ways to improve your approach.

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