
In: Computer Science

C++ tree program (please do NOT use struct Node, use classes) Program 1 Implement a Binary...

C++ tree program (please do NOT use struct Node, use classes)

Program 1 Implement a Binary tree using an array

Program 2 Implement a tree using linked list - pointer Binary Tree

Program 3 - Convert program 1 to a template

(include screenshots please of output)


Expert Solution

Eg: the location of node 3 in the array is 3. So it’s left child will be placed at 2*3 = 6.

Its right child will be at the location 2*3 +1 = 7. As we can see in the array, children of 3 which are 6 and 7 are placed at location 6 and 7 in the array.

Used structure to declare a single node and then using a class, we develop a linked list of nodes.


using namespace std;

struct bintree_node{

    bintree_node *left;

    bintree_node *right;

    int data;

} ;

class bst{

    bintree_node *root;





    int isempty() {



    void insert(int item);

    void displayBinTree();

    void printBinTree(bintree_node *);



void bst::insert(int item){

    bintree_node *p=new bintree_node;

    bintree_node *parent;








        bintree_node *ptr;















void bst::displayBinTree(){



void bst::printBinTree(bintree_node *ptr){



        cout<<" "<<ptr->data<<"     ";




int main(){

    bst b;








    cout<<"Binary tree created: "<<endl;




Binary tree created:

5       10       15       20       30       40       45


struct TreeNode {
              int item;         // The data in this node.
              TreeNode *left;   // Pointer to the left subtree.
              TreeNode *right;  // Pointer to the right subtree.
int countNodes( TreeNode *root ) {
           // Count the nodes in the binary tree to which
           // root points, and return the answer.
        if ( root == NULL )
           return 0;  // The tree is empty.  It contains no nodes.
        else {
           int count = 1;   // Start by counting the root.
           count += countNodes(root->left);  // Add the number of nodes
                                            //     in the left subtree.
           count += countNodes(root->right); // Add the number of nodes
                                            //    in the right subtree.
           return count;  // Return the total.
     } // end countNodes()
 void preorderPrint( TreeNode *root ) {
           // Print all the items in the tree to which root points.
           // The item in the root is printed first, followed by the
           // items in the left subtree and then the items in the
           // right subtree.
        if ( root != NULL ) {  // (Otherwise, there's nothing to print.)
           cout << root->item << " ";      // Print the root item.
           preorderPrint( root->left );    // Print items in left subtree.
           preorderPrint( root->right );   // Print items in right subtree.
     } // end preorderPrint()
void postorderPrint( TreeNode *root ) {
           // Print all the items in the tree to which root points.
           // The items in the left subtree are printed first, followed 
           // by the items in the right subtree and then the item in the
           // root node.
        if ( root != NULL ) {  // (Otherwise, there's nothing to print.)
           postorderPrint( root->left );    // Print items in left subtree.
           postorderPrint( root->right );   // Print items in right subtree.
           cout << root->item << " ";       // Print the root item.
     } // end postorderPrint()

     void inorderPrint( TreeNode *root ) {
           // Print all the items in the tree to which root points.
           // The items in the left subtree are printed first, followed 
           // by the item in the root node, followed by the items in
           // the right subtree.
        if ( root != NULL ) {  // (Otherwise, there's nothing to print.)
           inorderPrint( root->left );    // Print items in left subtree.
           cout << root->item << " ";     // Print the root item.
           inorderPrint( root->right );   // Print items in right subtree.
     } // end inorderPrint()


 preorderPrint outputs:   1  2  4  5  3  6
 postorderPrint outputs:  4  5  2  6  3  1
 inorderPrint outputs:    4  2  5  1  3  6


class T



    T(G *pGIn, const unsigned long s, char nIn);


    // Member functions


    bool Expand(const unsigned long newS);

    void Empty(void); private:G *pG;

    char n;

    unsigned long s;

    int f;

    TEntry *p;


class TEntry
{// Constructors
    TEntry(int l);
// Member functions
    void Relocate(int delta);
private:// Data members
    int k;TEntry *p;


class TEntry
{// Constructors
    TEntry(int l);// Member functions
    void Relocate(int delta);
private: // Data members
    int k;
    TEntry *p;
    p=NULL; s=0; pG=NULL;
T::T(G *pGIn, const unsigned long m, char nIn)
    pG=pG; n=nIn;
        delete[] p;
bool T::Expand(const unsigned long newS)
    T *pBefore=p;
    p=(T *)_realloc_dbg(p, newS*sizeof(T), _NORMAL_BLOCK,__FILE__,__LINE__);
    return p!=NULL;
void T::Empty()


T::T(int i){



void T::Relocate(int delta){




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