
In: Computer Science

Write a C++ program to allow the user to: 1. Create two classes. Employee and Departments....

Write a C++ program to allow the user to:

1. Create two classes. Employee and Departments.
The Department class will have: DepartmentID, Departmentname, DepartmentHeadName.
The Employee class will have employeeID, emploeename, employeesalary, employeeage, employeeDepartmentID.

Both of the above classes should have appropriate constructors, accessor methods.

2. Create two arrays . One for Employee with the size 5 and another one for Department with the size 3.
Your program should display a menu for the user to do the following:

1. Create Department. Collect all information about a department. Make sure the department ID does not already exist in the array containing Department objects. If it does not, then insert the Department object into the array. When the array is full, display the error message to the user "The array is full, you can not add any more departments"

2. Create Employee. Collect all information about an Employee. Make sure the Employee ID does not already exist in the array containing Employee objects. If it does not, then insert the Employee object into the array. Also make sure that the DepartmentID that the employee belongs also exists. If it does not, then display error message.
When the array is full, display the error message to the user "The array is full, you can not add any more Employees"

3. Write the data to the file. When the user selects this option, dump the information in each array into a separate file.

4. Retrieve data from file. When user selects this option, open each file, load the data from the file into the appropriate array.

5. Display Report: When user selects this option, go through arrays and display the total salary paid for each department. The report should display the department name and the total salary of all employees in that department.

Test Case


1. Create Department
2. Create Employee
3. Write Out Data File
4. Read In Data File
5. Display Salary Report
6. -- Quit -- 
Please make a selection : 1
Please Enter Department Details:
Department ID : 1
Department Name : Sales
Head of Department : Anna
1. Create Department
2. Create Employee
3. Write Out Data File
4. Read In Data File
5. Display Salary Report
6. -- Quit -- 
Please make a selection : 1
Please Enter Department Details:
Department ID : 1
Value must be unique!
1. Create Department
2. Create Employee
3. Write Out Data File
4. Read In Data File
5. Display Salary Report
6. -- Quit -- 
Please make a selection : 1
Please Enter Department Details:
Department ID : 2
Department Name : Marketing
Head of Department : Mark
1. Create Department
2. Create Employee
3. Write Out Data File
4. Read In Data File
5. Display Salary Report
6. -- Quit -- 
Please make a selection : 1
Please Enter Department Details:
Department ID : 3
Department Name : GlobalSales           
Head of Department : Patil
1. Create Department
2. Create Employee
3. Write Out Data File
4. Read In Data File
5. Display Salary Report
6. -- Quit -- 
Please make a selection : 1

The array is full, you can not add any more Departments.
1. Create Department
2. Create Employee
3. Write Out Data File
4. Read In Data File
5. Display Salary Report
6. -- Quit -- 
Please make a selection : 2
Please Enter Employee Details:
Employee ID : 1
Employee Name :John
Salary: $45000
Age : 25
Department ID : 1
1. Create Department
2. Create Employee
3. Write Out Data File
4. Read In Data File
5. Display Salary Report
6. -- Quit -- 
Please make a selection : 2
Please Enter Employee Details:
Employee ID : 1
Value must be unique!
1. Create Department
2. Create Employee
3. Write Out Data File
4. Read In Data File
5. Display Salary Report
6. -- Quit -- 
Please make a selection : 1

The array is full, you can not add any more Departments.
1. Create Department
2. Create Employee
3. Write Out Data File
4. Read In Data File
5. Display Salary Report
6. -- Quit -- 
Please make a selection : 2
Please Enter Employee Details:
Employee ID : 2
Employee Name :Susan
Salary: $45000
Age : 26
Department ID : 1
1. Create Department
2. Create Employee
3. Write Out Data File
4. Read In Data File
5. Display Salary Report
6. -- Quit -- 
Please make a selection : 2
Please Enter Employee Details:
Employee ID : 3
Employee Name :Adam
Salary: $50000
Age : 24
Department ID : 2
1. Create Department
2. Create Employee
3. Write Out Data File
4. Read In Data File
5. Display Salary Report
6. -- Quit -- 
Please make a selection : 2
Please Enter Employee Details:
Employee ID : 4
Employee Name :Manny
Salary: $60000
Age : 26
Department ID : 2
1. Create Department
2. Create Employee
3. Write Out Data File
4. Read In Data File
5. Display Salary Report
6. -- Quit -- 
Please make a selection : 2
Please Enter Employee Details:
Employee ID : 5
Employee Name :Maria
Salary: $60000
Age : 23
Department ID : 9
Please enter a valid department ID: 3
1. Create Department
2. Create Employee
3. Write Out Data File
4. Read In Data File
5. Display Salary Report
6. -- Quit -- 
Please make a selection : 2
The array is full, you can not add any more Employees.
1. Create Department
2. Create Employee
3. Write Out Data File
4. Read In Data File
5. Display Salary Report
6. -- Quit -- 
Please make a selection : 5

Salary Report By Department

Dept         : Sales
Total Salary : $90000

Dept         : Marketing
Total Salary : $110000

Dept         : GlobalSales
Total Salary : $60000
1. Create Department
2. Create Employee
3. Write Out Data File
4. Read In Data File
5. Display Salary Report
6. -- Quit -- 
Please make a selection : 9
Please enter a valid choice (1 - 6): 3
1. Create Department
2. Create Employee
3. Write Out Data File
4. Read In Data File
5. Display Salary Report
6. -- Quit -- 
Please make a selection : 6
Thank you, goodbye.


1. Create Department
2. Create Employee
3. Write Out Data File
4. Read In Data File
5. Display Salary Report
6. -- Quit -- 
Please make a selection : 1
Please Enter Department Details:
Department ID : 1
Department Name : Sales
Head of Department : Markus
1. Create Department
2. Create Employee
3. Write Out Data File
4. Read In Data File
5. Display Salary Report
6. -- Quit -- 
Please make a selection : 1
Please Enter Department Details:
Department ID : 1
Value must be unique!
1. Create Department
2. Create Employee
3. Write Out Data File
4. Read In Data File
5. Display Salary Report
6. -- Quit -- 
Please make a selection : 1
Please Enter Department Details:
Department ID : 2
Department Name : Marketing
Head of Department : Anna
1. Create Department
2. Create Employee
3. Write Out Data File
4. Read In Data File
5. Display Salary Report
6. -- Quit -- 
Please make a selection : 2
Please Enter Employee Details:
Employee ID : 1
Employee Name :John
Salary: $45000
Age : 23
Department ID : 1
1. Create Department
2. Create Employee
3. Write Out Data File
4. Read In Data File
5. Display Salary Report
6. -- Quit -- 
Please make a selection : 2
Please Enter Employee Details:
Employee ID : 2    
Employee Name :Susan
Salary: $40000
Age : 45
Department ID : 1
1. Create Department
2. Create Employee
3. Write Out Data File
4. Read In Data File
5. Display Salary Report
6. -- Quit -- 
Please make a selection : 2
Please Enter Employee Details:
Employee ID : 3
Employee Name :many
Salary: $70000
Age : 34
Department ID : 2
1. Create Department
2. Create Employee
3. Write Out Data File
4. Read In Data File
5. Display Salary Report
6. -- Quit -- 
Please make a selection : 5

Salary Report By Department

Dept         : Sales
Total Salary : $85000

Dept         : Marketing
Total Salary : $70000
1. Create Department
2. Create Employee
3. Write Out Data File
4. Read In Data File
5. Display Salary Report
6. -- Quit -- 
Please make a selection : 3
1. Create Department
2. Create Employee
3. Write Out Data File
4. Read In Data File
5. Display Salary Report
6. -- Quit -- 
Please make a selection : 
1. Create Department
2. Create Employee
3. Write Out Data File
4. Read In Data File
5. Display Salary Report
6. -- Quit -- 
Please make a selection : 5

Salary Report By Department

Dept         : Sales
Total Salary : $85000

Dept         : Marketing
Total Salary : $70000
1. Create Department
2. Create Employee
3. Write Out Data File
4. Read In Data File
5. Display Salary Report
6. -- Quit -- 
Please make a selection : 6
Thank you, goodbye.


Expert Solution

Working code implemented in C++ and appropriate comments provided for better understanding.

Source Code for main.cpp:

//This program is for creating departments and employees to report the total salary paid for each department.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

class Departments //designing the class named Departments
int departmentID;
string departmentName;
string departmentHeadName;

Departments() //Constructor
{ departmentID = 0;
departmentName = "NotDefined";
departmentHeadName = "Anonymous";
void setDepartmentID(int depID)
{ departmentID = depID;
void setDepartmentName_HeadDepartment()
cout << "Department Name : ";
cin >> departmentName;

cout << "Head of Department : ";
cin >> departmentHeadName;
int getDepartmentID()
{ return departmentID;
string getDepartmentName()
{ return departmentName;
string getDepartmentHeadName()
{ return departmentHeadName;

class Employee //designing the class named Employee
int employeeID;
string employeeName;
int employeeSalary;
int employeeAge;
int employeeDepartmentID;

Employee() //Constructor
employeeID = 0;
employeeName = "Anonymous";
employeeSalary = 0;
employeeAge = 0;
employeeDepartmentID = 0;
void setEmployeeID(int empID)
{ employeeID = empID;

void setEmployeeDepData(int empDepData)
{ employeeDepartmentID = empDepData;

void setEmployeeOtherData()
cout << "Employee Name :";
cin >> employeeName;
cout << "Salary: $";
cin >> employeeSalary;
cout << "Age : ";
cin >> employeeAge;
int getEmployeeID()
{ return employeeID;
string getEmployeeName()
{ return employeeName;
int getEmployeeSalary()
{ return employeeSalary;
int getEmployeeAge()
{ return employeeAge;
int getEmployeeDepartmentID()
{ return employeeDepartmentID;

void displayMenu() //the function of display menu
cout << "1. Create Department" << endl;
cout << "2. Create Employee" << endl;
cout << "3. Write Out Data File" << endl;
cout << "4. Read In Data File" << endl;
cout << "5. Display Salary Report" << endl;
cout << "6. -- Quit -- " << endl;

int main()
int numEmployee = 5;
int numDepartments = 3;
int tempDepartmentID, tempEmployeeID, tempEmpDepID, i = 0, e = 0, depIndex, empIndex = 0, k=0, j;
int fromFileDepID[numDepartments], fromFileEmpID[numEmployee], fromFileEmpSalary[numEmployee], fromFileEmpAge[numEmployee], fromFileEmpDeppartID[numEmployee];
string fromFileDepName[numDepartments], fromFileDepHeadName[numDepartments], fromFileEmpName[numEmployee];
int totalSalary[numDepartments];
char charSelection;
Employee employee[numEmployee]; //declaring an employee object of class Employee
Departments departments[numDepartments]; //declaring a departments object of class Departments
ofstream outputFile;
ifstream inputFile;
displayMenu(); //calling the displayMenu function
cout << "Please make a selection : ";
cin >> charSelection;
if (charSelection <= '0' || charSelection > '7') //validating the variable of charSelection
{ cout << "Please enter a valid choice (1 - 6): ";
cin >> charSelection;
case '1': while (i < numDepartments) //finding if this array is full using while loop
{ if (departments[i].getDepartmentID() != 0)   
else break;   
if (i == numDepartments) //in case the array is full
cout << endl << "The array is full, you can not add any more Departments." << endl;   
else //in case the array is not full
cout << "Please Enter Department Details:" << endl;
cout << "Department ID : ";
cin >> tempDepartmentID;
for (depIndex=0; depIndex < numDepartments; depIndex++) //finding if the departmentID is unique
{ if (tempDepartmentID == departments[depIndex].getDepartmentID() ) //in case the departmentID is not unique
{ cout << "Value must be unique!" << endl;

if (depIndex == numDepartments) //in case the departmentID is unique
{ for (int j=0; j < numDepartments; j++)   
{ if (departments[j].getDepartmentID() == 0 )
{ departments[j].setDepartmentID(tempDepartmentID);
break; // escaping switch statement because the departmentID is not unique

case '2': while (e < numEmployee) //finding if this array is full using while loop
{ if (employee[e].getEmployeeID() != 0)
else break;   
if (e == numEmployee) //in case the array is full
cout << "The array is full, you can not add any more Employees." << endl;
else //in case the array is not full
cout << "Please Enter Employee Details:" << endl;
cout << "Employee ID : ";
cin >> tempEmployeeID;
for (empIndex=0; empIndex < numEmployee; empIndex++) //finding if the employeeID is unique
{ if (tempEmployeeID == employee[empIndex].getEmployeeID() ) //in case the employeeID is not unique
{ cout << "Value must be unique!" << endl;

if (empIndex == numEmployee) //in case the employeeID is unique
for (j=0; j < numEmployee; j++)   
{ if (employee[j].getEmployeeID() == 0 )
{ employee[j].setEmployeeID(tempEmployeeID);
break; //escaping switch statement because the employeeID is not unique

cout << "Department ID : ";
cin >> tempEmpDepID;

do //validating employee's Department ID using while loop
for (k=0; k < numDepartments; k++)   
{ if (tempEmpDepID == departments[k].getDepartmentID() ) //in case the department ID of an employee is valid
{ employee[j].setEmployeeDepData(tempEmpDepID);

if (tempEmpDepID == departments[k].getDepartmentID()) //escaping do..while loop because the department ID of an employee is valid

else //if (k == numDepartments) //in case the department ID of an employee is not valid
{ cout << "Please enter a valid department ID: ";
cin >> tempEmpDepID;
}while (k == numDepartments);

case '3':"department.dat"); //Opening the output file named "department.dat"
for (int outFileIndex = 0; outFileIndex < numDepartments; outFileIndex++) //writing the data to the file using for loop
outputFile << departments[outFileIndex].getDepartmentID() << endl;
outputFile << departments[outFileIndex].getDepartmentName() << endl;
outputFile << departments[outFileIndex].getDepartmentHeadName() << endl;
outputFile.close(); //Closing the file"employee.dat"); //Opening the output file named "employee.dat"
for (int outFileIndex = 0; outFileIndex < numEmployee; outFileIndex++) //writing the data to the file using for loop
outputFile << employee[outFileIndex].getEmployeeID() << endl;
outputFile << employee[outFileIndex].getEmployeeName() << endl;
outputFile << employee[outFileIndex].getEmployeeSalary() << endl;
outputFile << employee[outFileIndex].getEmployeeAge() << endl;
outputFile << employee[outFileIndex].getEmployeeDepartmentID() << endl;
outputFile.close(); //Closing the file


case '4':"department.dat"); //Opening the input file named "department.dat"
for (int inFileIndex = 0; inFileIndex < numDepartments; inFileIndex++) //Retrieving data from the file using array and for loop
inputFile >> fromFileDepID[inFileIndex];
inputFile >> fromFileDepName[inFileIndex];
inputFile >> fromFileDepHeadName[inFileIndex];
inputFile.close(); //Closing the file"employee.dat"); //Opening the input file named "employee.dat"
for (int inFileIndex = 0; inFileIndex < numEmployee; inFileIndex++) //Retrieving data from the file using array and for loop
inputFile >> fromFileEmpID[inFileIndex];
inputFile >> fromFileEmpName[inFileIndex];
inputFile >> fromFileEmpSalary[inFileIndex];   
inputFile >> fromFileEmpAge[inFileIndex];
inputFile >> fromFileEmpDeppartID[inFileIndex];
inputFile.close(); //Closing the file


case '5': for (int p=0; p < numDepartments; p++) //Calculating the total salary for each department
totalSalary[p] = 0;
for (int m=0; m < numEmployee; m++)
if (departments[p].getDepartmentID() == employee[m].getEmployeeDepartmentID())
totalSalary[p] += employee[m].getEmployeeSalary();

//Start to display report

cout << endl << "Salary Report By Department" << endl;
for (int n=0; n < numDepartments; n++)
cout << endl;
cout << left << setw(13) << "Dept" << ": " << departments[n].getDepartmentName() << endl;
cout << left << setw(13) << "Total Salary" << ": $" << totalSalary[n] << endl;


}while (charSelection != '6');
cout << "Thank you, goodbye.";

return 0;

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