Financial planning refers to the objective and resources an
Individual has and the time frame with in that he wants to achieve
that objective. Financial planning is a systmatic process by which
individual develops a systematic process to take into account his
income and expenditure and achieve his goals. The plans can be
short term (1 years) , medium terms ( 1-5 years)Like marriage,
higher education , long terms plans ( greater than 5 years) like
buying a house or retirement planning.
There are different types of financial planning:
- Investment planning: Investment planning is basically you want
your capital to grow in the long term and accumulate a good corpus
of wealth. It becomes extremely important that to achive that goal
you invest in diversified instruments. The financial instruments
can be debt,equity, futures, bonds e.t.c.
- Cash flow planning: Cash flow planning is basically matching
your inflow of cash with you expenditure and prioritizing
expenditure to take into account for investments and important
- Insurance planning: This types of planning is for unexpected
circumstances like health insurance, fire insurance, vehicle
insurance. These things seems unimportant in the short term but
once those circumstances arises not havinga an insurance can cause
a seriou financial damage.
- Tax Planning: Tax planning is basically prioritizing your
Income, expenditure and investment in such a way that the tax
impact reduces at the year end when filing your income tax.
- Retirement planning: Retirement planning is one of the most
important types of planning which most people ignore. Retirement
planning is done to ensure that when you retire from your job you
are not financially dependent on others for your living expenses.
It is very Important to consider retirement planning early in your