
In: Computer Science

Convert this code written in Python to Java: # Definition of a function isprime(). def isprime(num):...

Convert this code written in Python to Java:

# Definition of a function isprime().

def isprime(num):



    # Loop to check the divisors of a number.

    while(count<num and flag==0):


            # Put flag=0 if the number has no divisor.



            # Put flag=1 if the number has divisor.


        # Increment the count.


    # Return flag value.

    return flag

# Intialize list.


#Prompt the user to enter Start and end numbers.

st=int(input("Start number:"))

en=int(input("End number:"))


    print ("End number must be greater than start number. Try again.")

    st=int(input("Start number:"))

    en=int(input("End number:"))

while(st<0 or en<0):

    print ("Start and end must be positive. Try again.")

    st=int(input("Start number:"))

    en=int(input("End number:"))


    # Call the function.

    a = isprime(st);


        # Append the prime number to a list.



for i in range(0, len(list), 10):

    # Print 10 numbers per line.

    print(*list[i:i + 10])


Expert Solution


import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
public class Main
   public static void main(String[] args) {
   Scanner input=new Scanner(;
   int st,en,a,len=0,i;
   //Prompt the user to enter Start and end numbers.
   System.out.print("Start number:");
   System.out.print("End number:");
   int list[]=new int[en];

System.out.println("End number must be greater than start number. Try again.");
   System.out.print("Start number:");
   System.out.print("End number:");
while(st<0 || en<0){
System.out.println("Start and end must be positive. Try again.");
   System.out.print("Start number:");
   System.out.print("End number:");
// Call the function.
a = isprime(st);
list[len++]=st; // Append the prime number to a list.
for (i=0;i<len;i++){
//Print 10 numbers per line.
System.out.printf("%d ",list[i]);
   //Definition of a function isprime().
public static int isprime(int num){
int count=2,flag=0;
// Loop to check the divisors of a number.
while(count<num && flag==0){
if(num%count!=0) // Put flag=0 if the number has no divisor.
else // Put flag=1 if the number has divisor.
count=count+1; // Increment the count.
return flag; // Return flag value.


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