In: Operations Management
Chose an article that is not qualitative research. Give a brief overview of the article and why you think it is substantial.
The article selected on quantitative reasearch is Nurse exposure to physical and nonphysical violence, bullying, and sexual harassment ( have also attached the link for the reference.
This article basically based upon the resarch based upon the physical and non-physical voilence of the is found that about 1/3rd nurses are found to be facing physical violence against them.This shows that nurses are facing a log of violence against them.The reoprt also mentioned that the rate of sexual harrassement is also very high and nearly 25% of the nurses face sexual harrassment.This shows that there is an alarming situtaion for the nurses and measures are required to prevent these types of activities.
This article is substantial becuse on the basis of several resouces like CINAHL, Medline and PsycInfo data base is prepared.These are trust wothy resourecs in the medical field .This report shows that the womens (Nurses) are facing a terrible situation against them.
The quantitaive research report mention the correct facts and figures agianst the physical and non-physical violence against them.This reoprt will help in creating a safe working environment for the nurses.