
In: Computer Science

I need to complete this C++ program. The instructions are in the comments inside the code...

I need to complete this C++ program. The instructions are in the comments inside the code below:


Original string is: this is a secret!

Encypted string is: uijt!jt!b!tfdsfu"

Decrypted string is: this is a secret!

//Encoding program


//other necessary stuff here

int main()


//create a string to encrypt using a char array

cout<< "Original string is: "<<string<<endl;


cout<< "Encrypted string is: "<<string<<endl;


cout<<"Decrypted string is: "<<string<<endl;

return 0;


void encrypt(char e[])


//Write implementation function encrypt


void decrypt(char *ePtr)


//Write implementation function decrypt



Expert Solution

Original string is: this is a secret!

Encypted string is: uijt!jt!b!tfdsfu"

Decrypted string is: this is a secret!

Here we can observe that Substitution encryption technique has been used with key as 1. So a will be repcaed with b b with c and so on. Here each character in plain text will be replaced by its next character in ascii table.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void encrypt(char e[]);
void decrypt(char *ePtr);

int main()


//create a string to encrypt using a char array
char string[100]="this is a secret!";

cout<< "Original string is: "<<string<<endl;


cout<< "Encrypted string is: "<<string<<endl;


cout<<"Decrypted string is: "<<string<<endl;

return 0;


void encrypt(char e[])


//Write implementation function encrypt
int i=0;


void decrypt(char *ePtr)


//Write implementation function decrypt


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