In: Civil Engineering
4. What triggers environmental impact assessment for major projects under Australian State and Commonwealth laws? Briefly explain three weaknesses in these laws from an environmental protection perspective.
Ans) The environmental impact assessment (EIA) process may be triggered by development proposal if it fall within section 5 of Environment Protection Act 1974 . The environmental impact assessment should be carried out for development proposed in area on 'National Interest'.
The environmental impact assessment can also be triggered by if EIA process will adopted in planning phase of development allowing greater opportunity of public participation in the planning as well as in the assessment phase of development
According to COAG head of agreement on commomwealth for environment list of item that trigger the environmental impact assessment and commonwealth laws are :
1) World heritage property
2) Ramsar listed wetlands
3) Nationally endangered species
4) Migratory species
5) Nuclear activities
Weakness in these laws are as follows :
1) No explicit provision is made for undertaking all stages of EIA
2) No explicit provision is made for public participation in EIA process
3) No provision for EIA for expansion of new project and renovation of old project.