In: Computer Science
Description: Create a class in Python 3 named Animal that has specified attributes and methods.
Purpose: The purpose of this challenge is to provide experience creating a class and working with OO concepts in Python 3.
Write a class in Python 3 named Animal that has the following attributes and methods and is saved in the file
__animal_type is a hidden attribute used to indicate the animal’s type. For example: gecko, walrus, tiger, etc.
__name is a hidden attribute used to indicate the animal’s name.
__mood is a hidden attribute used to indicate the animal’s mood. For example: happy, hungry, or sleepy.
__init__ is to define the three attributes above and assign their default values.
The value of __mood is to be set randomly. Generate a random number between 1 and 3. Then:
If the number is 1, the __mood attribute is to be set to a value
of happy.
If the number is 2, the __mood attribute is to be set to a value of
If the number is 3, the __mood attribute is to be set to a value of
get_animal_type should return the value of the __animal_type field.
get_name should return the value of the __name field.
check_mood should return the value of the __mood field.
Animal Generator Program
Once you have created the Animal class, create another Python file called This program is to use as a module.
In, prompt the user to enter the name and type of an animal. Create a new Animal object instance to store this data. Then, ask the user if they would like to repeat the process. They should be able to create as many Animal object instances as they would like.
After the user is done creating animals, the program is to use the object’s accessor methods (get_animal_type, get_name, and check_mood) to retrieve the name, type, and mood of each animal. This information is to be formatted and displayed as shown in the sample program output below.
Welcome to the animal generator!
This program creates Animal objects.
What type of animal would you like to create? Gecko
What is the animal’s name? Gordon
Would you like to add more animals (y/n)? y
What type of animal would you like to create? Walrus
What is the animal’s name? Wally
Would you like to add more animals (y/n)? y
What type of animal would you like to create? Tiger
What is the animal’s name? Truman
Would you like to add more animals (y/n)? n
Animal List:
Gordon the Gecko is hungry
Wally the Walrus is sleepy
Truman the Tiger is hungry
Run the program you write and verify that the information entered matches the information displayed and that the input prompts and output utilize the format specification provided.
Thanks for the question. Below is the code you will be needing Let me know if you have any doubts or if you need anything to change. Thank You !! =========================================================================== import random class Animal(): def __init__(self, type, name): self.__animal_type = type self.__name = name self.__mood = random.choice(['happy', 'hungry', 'sleepy']) def get_animal_type(self): return self.__animal_type def get_name(self): return self.__name def check_mood(self): return self.__mood
from Animal import Animal def main(): animal_collection=[] print('Welcome to the animal generator!') print('This program creates Animal objects.\n') while True: type = input('What type of animal would you like to create? ') name=input('What is the animal\'s name? ') an_animal = Animal(type,name) animal_collection.append(an_animal) add_more=input('Would you like to add more animals (y/n)? ') if not add_more=='y':break print('Animal List:') for a in animal_collection: print('{} the {} is {}'.format(a.get_name(),a.get_animal_type(),a.check_mood())) main()