Referencing specific neural structures and electrochemical processes, describe the flow of information from when it is...

Referencing specific neural structures and electrochemical processes, describe the flow of information from when it is received by one neuron to when it is transmitted to another neuron. Describe three processes by which neurotransmitters leave the synapse.

In: Psychology

Is it true that most stage theories have a male bias? How differently do women experience...

Is it true that most stage theories have a male bias? How differently do women experience middle age? When answering this post, consider products sold that are advertised differently between the sexes. For example, a few years ago, there was a product (just for men hair dye) that was meant to show that men who used it looked experienced and mature, however, the same product was not advertised for women. Additionally, when considering hormonal products, such as testosterone for men, there are differences on how they are promoted. For men, it is ok to take testosterone if prescribed by a doctor (e.g., Androgel being one of them), but what about women? Answer in 350-500 words.

In: Psychology

Working mothers as health care professionals in KSA are facing overloaded roles with wide range of...

Working mothers as health care professionals in KSA are facing overloaded roles with wide range of stress. In refer to what you have been study at week 4 (Stress and Coping) Action items: 1. Briefly explain the different sources of stress in this situation. In what way these stresses might influence health outcomes for this group. 2. Name some individual differences among healthcare working mothers in approaching to coping with these stresses.

In: Psychology

How Grounded Is Your Love Life? In a recent experiment, psychologists at University of Pittsburgh and...

How Grounded Is Your Love Life?

In a recent experiment, psychologists at University of Pittsburgh and the University of Waterloo in Canada decided to examine stability, turbulence and love. The researchers focused on stability because it is a term that has both literal and abstract meanings. Our bodies can be physically stable or they can be wobbly, and so can our intimate relationships. The study participants were 40 college students who reported being involved in a committed relationship that had lasted for at least a year. The researchers randomly assigned half of their volunteers to sit at a normal desk and the other half to sit at a workstation that had been subtly altered so that both the chair and the desk wiggled slightly. The volunteers individually completed questionnaires about their lives and romantic relationships, including whether they felt the relationship would last. The volunteers were alone in the room when they completed the questionnaire and were instructed to not put their name on the questionnaire. The ratings of perceived stability ranged from 1- 7 (1 = not at all likely to last to 7 = certain this relationship will last). A participant could report any number between 1 and 7 on that scale. The students who had been seated at the unstable workstations were much more likely to perceive instability in their love lives (mean = 4.17) than were the students whose chairs and work spaces didn’t waver (mean = 4.93). There is a statistically significant difference between these means (t(38) = 3.64; p<0.05).


1. Name the Predictor / Independent Variable

2. Give the operational definition of the Predictor / Independent Variable.

3. Evaluate the construct validity of the Predictor / Independent Variable PLEASE INCLUDE/EXPLAIN ALL THE ASPECTS!!: (Be sure to consider face, method, and procedural aspects though not all aspects will necessarily need to be discussed; point out strengths and weaknesses of this measure.)


1. Name the Outcome / Dependent Variable

2. Give the operational definition of the Outcome / Dependent Variable.

3. Evaluate the construct validity of the operational definition for the Outcome / Dependent Variable. PLEASE INCLUDE/EXPLAIN ALL THE ASPECTS!!: (Be sure to consider face, method, and procedural aspects though not all aspects will necessarily need to be discussed; point out strengths and weaknesses of this measure.)

In: Psychology

Using 300 words or less on "The Great 8 Compensies Model" / "Strategic Talent Management Model,"...

Using 300 words or less on "The Great 8 Compensies Model" / "Strategic Talent Management Model," identify clearly and explain organizational issue/problems that could be resolved using these theories/models.

In: Psychology

Respirator Removal Source: Jim was an active person. He was a lawyer by profession. When he...

Respirator Removal Source: Jim was an active person. He was a lawyer by profession. When he was forty- four years old, a routine physical revealed that he had a tumor on his right lung. After surgery to remove that lung, he returned to a normal life. However, four years later, a cancerous tumor was found in his other lung. He knew he had only months to live. Then came the last hospitalization. He was on a respirator. It was extremely uncomfortable for him, and he was frustrated by not being able to talk because of the tubes. After some thought, he decided that he did not want to live out his last few weeks like this and asked to have the respirator removed. Because he was no longer able to breathe on his own, he knew this meant he would die shortly after it was removed.

Did Jim or the doctors who removed the respirator and then watched Jim die as a result do anything wrong?

Why or why not? Would there be any difference between this case and that of a person such as Terri Schiavo

who was in a persistent vegetative state, was not able to express her current wishes, and had left no written request?

In: Psychology

What scientific evidence exists to establish a relationship between stress, personality, and negative mood? Explain whether...

What scientific evidence exists to establish a relationship between stress, personality, and negative mood? Explain whether the evidence is reliable or not.

In: Psychology

Contrast the advice that should be given about child-rearing to the parents of an inhibited child...

Contrast the advice that should be given about child-rearing to the parents of an inhibited child and the parents of an uninhibited child.

In: Psychology

1.. Discuss the six approaches to prejudice. Please include in your answer the Historical, Sociocultural, Situational,...

1.. Discuss the six approaches to prejudice. Please include in your answer the Historical, Sociocultural, Situational, Psychodynamic, Phenomenological, and the Earned Reputation emphases.

2. How does urban insecurity play a part in prejudice? What is the frustration theory? Compare these two.

In: Psychology

People with mental illness often find themselves involved in the criminal justice system. In what way...

People with mental illness often find themselves involved in the criminal justice system. In what way do you think that the criminal justice system can best improve their responses to those with mental illnesses? Explain your answer.

In: Psychology

How and to what extent does a diversity of perspective contribute to or distract from creativity...

How and to what extent does a diversity of perspective contribute to or distract from creativity and innovation in the workplace? What are the managerial implications of your answer?

In: Psychology

Tiger Woods has not been able to recover his long record of mastery in golf. Aside...

Tiger Woods has not been able to recover his long record of mastery in golf. Aside from his injuries, how might his psychological situation reflect a self-fulfilling prophecy?

In: Psychology

which of the following demonstrates how documentary filmmaking inherently entails the "creative treatment of actuality?

which of the following demonstrates how documentary filmmaking inherently entails the "creative treatment of actuality?

In: Psychology

Question: State your planned profession. Select from the applied ethics principles or examples one that seems...

Question: State your planned profession. Select from the applied ethics principles or examples one that seems to best apply to your planned profession. Give an example of an ethical problem within your planned profession which you believe could be resolved using these applied principles. Illustrate how the problem would be applied in resolving this dilemma.

In: Psychology

Directions: Complete the following worksheet addressing two seminal experiments in conformity by Muzafer Sherif (1936) Autokinetic...

Directions: Complete the following worksheet addressing two seminal experiments in conformity by Muzafer Sherif (1936) Autokinetic Effect, and Solomon Asch (1951) Line Judgement Test. Be sure to define the terms in each column for each experimental task, in addition to justifying your responses.

Experimental Task

Primary Effect of Group

Depth of Conformity Produced


Autokinetic Effect


Line Judgment Test

In: Psychology