How might the study of the brain contribute to a better understanding of how we make...

How might the study of the brain contribute to a better understanding of how we make decisions, especially when we consider analysis, and identifying and solving problems?

In: Psychology

briefly discuss a husband's expectation in marriage

briefly discuss a husband's expectation in marriage

In: Psychology

Think about the public health issue of substance abuse. Draw a logic model of Social Ecologic...

Think about the public health issue of substance abuse.

Draw a logic model of Social Ecologic Model (SEM)

List factors at each of the five levels which influence substance abuse, be thorough. (Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Organizational, Community, Policy)

Out of all the factors you listed, which would you address through interventions? Why?

In: Psychology

Why do you think our divorce rate is so high? What could be done to change...

Why do you think our divorce rate is so high? What could be done to change this?

In: Psychology

Should Students Have to Wear School Uniforms? State your position on the issue. Identify three (3)...

Should Students Have to Wear School Uniforms? State your position on the issue. Identify three (3) things that oppose your position. For the three (3) premises (reasons) that oppose your position on the issue, answer these “believing” questions What's interesting or helpful about this view? What would I notice if I believed this view? In what sense or under what conditions might this idea be true?"

In: Psychology

Design and briefly describe an experiment you could conduct to determine whether infants can tell the...

Design and briefly describe an experiment you could conduct to determine whether infants can tell the difference between the shapes of different letters in the alphabet. How is the experiment structured, how will you use the results to decide what you have discovered, and are there any ethical considerations you must deal with?

In: Psychology

Give 1 real-world example for each of the following 1. Mere exposure effect 2. Single-trial learning...

Give 1 real-world example for each of the following

1. Mere exposure effect

2. Single-trial learning

3. Observational learning

In: Psychology

Is the symbolic interaction theory a materialist or idealist theory?

Is the symbolic interaction theory a materialist or idealist theory?

In: Psychology

1Your sister has after several trials innovated a new way to make toffy that has different...

1Your sister has after several trials innovated a new way to make toffy that has different flavors. For example, she has discovered a way to make a toffy that taste like chocolate ice cream, hot dogs with ketchup, and peanut butter and jelly. She would like to share her new type of toffy with the public by offering them free samples in stores. She hopes that by offering free samples, they will like them so much that they will go out and buy them by the jars and make her rich andfamous. However, she needs someone to develop for her a toffy dispenser.(Use information to answer a and b)a.Evaluate and construct the problem statement.b.If you are to design and build this toffy dispenser, what will be the fourth step of the Engineering Design Process you will take to develop the toffy dispenser?c.Psychological research has found no correlation between intelligence and creativity. Explain some of the characteristics that influence the development of creative ability.

In: Psychology

You are a member of the social sciences research team and are tasked with the following:...

You are a member of the social sciences research team and are tasked with the following:  Write a 1-page literature review on the ‘common’ traumatic incidents experienced daily by average South Africans.  Discuss the potential effects of witnessing such traumatic incidences daily.  Discuss the theoretical approach most applicable to understanding such incidences.  Discuss the intervention strategy and trauma counselling approach most applicable to alleviating the impact/effects of such traumatic incidences. You may choose to focus on one traumatic incidence to discuss an intervention strategy

In: Psychology

What is the political social and economic climate under which the current policy was developed? Consuming...

What is the political social and economic climate under which the current policy was developed?

Consuming or carrying alcoholic beverages. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to consume any alcoholic beverage, wine or malt beverage on any public way or area or way to which the public has right of access, or on any sidewalk appurtenant thereto within the city. (b) It shall be shall unlawful for any person to have alcoholic beverages, wine, or malt beverages in such person's possession in any can, bottle or container which has been opened, or has the seal broken, or the contents of which have been partially removed while on any public way or area or way to which the public has right. of access, or on any sidewalk appurtenant thereto within the city. (c) It shall be unlawful for any person to consume alcoholic beverages, wine or malt beverages in any motor vehicle while such vehicle is upon a public way or area or way to which the public has right of access within the city. (d) It shall be unlawful for any person to have alcoholic beverages, wine or malt beverages in such person's possession in any can, bottle or container which has been opened, or has the seal broken or the contents of which have been partially removed, while in the private motor vehicle upon a public way or any area or way to which the public has right of access within the city. (e) This section shall not apply to designated areas within which an event may be held at which a special liquor license has been issued during the hours of said event. (f) Whoever violates the provisions of this ordinance shall be subject to a fine as provided insection 1-9 of this Code. (g) For the purposes of this section, the following definitions shall apply: (1) Alcoholic beverage: Any liquid intended for human consumption as a beverage and containing one-half (½) of one percent or more of alcohol by volume at sixty (60) degrees Fahrenheit. (2) Wines: All fermented alcoholic beverages made from fruits, flowers, herbs or vegetables and containing not more than twenty-four (24) percent of alcohol by volume at sixty (60) degrees Fahrenheit, except cider containing not more than three (3) percent, or containing more than six (6) percent, of alcohol by weight at sixty (60) degrees Fahrenheit. (3) Malt beverages: All alcoholic beverages manufactured or produced by the process of brewing or fermentation of malt, with or without cereal grains or fermentable sugars, or of hops, and containing not more than twelve (12) percent of alcohol by weight. (Code 1963, § 14-131; Ords. (2) of 9-28-78, § 1; Ord. of 4-10-80, § 1) Cross reference— Alcoholic beverages licenses, § 15-90 et seq.

In: Psychology

Discuss the benefits of developing a portfolio throughout this graduate education program. 250 words

Discuss the benefits of developing a portfolio throughout this graduate education program. 250 words

In: Psychology

What are the main key components of ethnicity? Please provide three examples to support your definition....

What are the main key components of ethnicity? Please provide three examples to support your definition. What are the defining variables of race? Provide three examples to support your definition.

In: Psychology

Joel's was a quiet twelve-year old with no history of behavior problems at schools or at...

Joel's was a quiet twelve-year old with no history of behavior problems at schools or at home. Joel's spent most of the summer indoors playing aggressive video games and had little or no contact with other students over the summer. The first day of school,Austin called Joe by a geek.Joe punched Austin in the nose and pinned him down in the same fashion that his favorite hero does in his combat war game.Joe kept punching Austin until his nose was bloody and then the principal stopped the fight. use the Freudian psychoanalytic theory to explain Joe's behavior and what Joe did to Austin.

In: Psychology

Discuss the problems encountered by intelligence units when gathering and disseminating information about organized crime.

Discuss the problems encountered by intelligence units when gathering and disseminating information about organized crime.

In: Psychology